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I opened the bathroom door as silently as I could. Walking down the stairs I saw him sleeping on the cough in the lounge. I tip toed my way to the door so I couldn't wake up the monster. I managed to get out of the house in peace.

I walked my way to school with my ear phones on, playing Remedy by Adel. I put on my hoodie to hide the bruise on my eye caused by my "dad".

Within 29 minutes I entered the gates of Evern More High. There are a lot of people than I imagined. They are all in certain groups. There is a group of girls next to the benches wearing mini dresses and tight shorts with black crop tops and black eyeliner with black lipstick. I guess those are goths. Moving on to my right I see a group of hot guys chilling next to their cool rides ,guessing they are the schools bad boys. Then there is a group of both boys and girls smoking ,well guessing of course those are the smokers and there is also a group of three blond girls. All dressed the same,pink mini shorts and white crop tops . Well guessing those are the queen bees of the school.

Then finally a group of cool simple guys chilling under a tree just communicating to each other laughing,they are just having fun. But then my eyes spots this guy in that same group wearing a black golf shirt,grey torn up jeans and some black convers. He is a tall,light skinned guy with brown hair and green eyes. He is surrounded by people yet looks like he is lonely. It's like he is shouting silently for someone to help him. I must conclude that he's the most handsome guy I have ever seen.

Noooo No!, what am I saying. Am not here to look at handsome guys oh my gosh Lisa snap out of it.

Rrrrrrhhhhrrr. The school siren quickly brought me back to reality. And I must say am thankful for that

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