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A/N: Welcome to this story readers! Thank you for giving this book a chance, I appreciate it a lot :) For old readers - Those who know who Nick is - this may be a little confusing to you since I'm currently rewriting Chapter 5 onwards and Jace is the new main guy character instead of Nick, but eventually everything will fall into place when all of my editing is done, so please be patient while I try my best in making this story more readable :)

Meanwhile, listen to Taylor Swift's song 'I Knew You Were Trouble' for this chapter :))

THEY WERE GOING TO quarrel again. I rolled over to the other side of my bed, cupping my ears and hoping desperately for them to stop. That was the most a thirteen year old could do, for me anyway.

But the moment I tried to sleep, heated shouts erupted from the room next to mine. I sighed and blinked away the tears that were threatening to come out. Sometimes I wonder what are the sins I committed to be on the recieving ends of the many negative things in life. Why can't I be the girl who never needed to worry about anything and had everything she wanted in front of her?

Rubbing my eyes, I climbed out of bed since I knew I could no longer sleep after being woken up like this. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I bit my lip to stop myself from crying again. My eyes looked like it was deprived of sleep for days due to the constant dreams of my brother, and my teeth was what they call "buck teeth". It was basically the condition when the upper and lower sets of teeth do not fit perfectly together. My hair was really tangled, and I had put on weight since I did not bother working out ever since my brother died. I was sure I looked the worst in the whole, entire planet.

After giving myself a long, hot shower, I put on baggy shirts and jeans and ate my breakfast without making small talk with my parents, who were now blatantly ignoring each other. I felt pathetic for wishing for the happy family I once had.

The happy family that once included my brother.

I sighed and cleared my plate before shutting the front door and walking to school.


Middle school was the same old thing for me. I was one of the normal people in the school besides being constantly teased by Jace Jenson and his friends about my appearance. Nothing much right?

Wrong. They hated my guts just as much as I was anxious about what they were going to do next. You never knew what move they were plotting next. It was like living a life of torture, trying to figure out what they would do but failing to and be subjected to humiliation and many more. One time Jace stole all my Kit Kats that I was anticipating to have for lunch, making me cry in front of the entire cafeteria. There was still this one time where he placed a withered daisy in my locker with a note that said I was as beautiful as that flower. Needless to say, my self-esteem totally plummeted down to the ground.

Today was the last day of school, which increased my mood just by a bit. However, Jace would not get by this day without ruining it, right? I certainly hoped he left me alone today.

When it was lunch time, I walked behind my friends in a cowardly manner, hoping they would not spot me.

But sure enough, they did. Didn't I mention that the universe was against Kate Johnson?

"AND HERE COMES KATE, THE CLOWN! WATCH WHEN SHE TRIPS..." A foot suddenly stuck out from nowhere, and being the usual clumsy person I am, I fell.

I fell really badly.

Gritting my teeth and ignoring the snickers everywhere, I forced myself to get up and carry on like nothing ever happened. The nerve of Thomas Grayson! Just because he was not clumsy does not mean he could do this to me!

I gathered up my stuff and walked away with Annabelle and Ashley to get myself lunch with whatever dignity I had left.

As I dug into my mouth-watering spagetti, I could hear girls talking excitedly as Jace strode to the table near mine.

I pretended not to see him and started savouring my food. Ahh, as soon as the noodles touched my mouth, I immediately forgot about the boys. Food is too great for them. Before I knew it, I was gobbling it and finished in record-breaking time. I had always thought that if there were a competition for eating, I would obviously win.

Ha ha ha, my jokes.

When I gathered my stuff and stood up to leave, a hand stopped me, making the left-over sauce splash on my shirt. Turning my head around angrily when I already knew the person who did this, something snapped inside me.

Unfortunately, before I could react, Jace threw a bunch of raw noodles right at me. I could not duck fast enough, causing the noodles to land on my carefully brushed hair, making me a mess. There was a second of silence.

Then to my embarrassment, everyone except my friends started laughing. Why, some even videotaped the entire freaking thing.

Annabelle saw this and exclaimed heatedly, "Hey what the heck is your problem, Jace? Can't you see that Kate is already very humiliated before that? Couldn't you stop your childish behaviour?"

Taken aback by my quiet friend's speech, some unknown emotion flashed across Jace's sea-green eyes and he froze. I thought he would even apologize from his expression but my legs moved by itself and I kicked him in the balls. I had learnt karate from my dad when I was younger, but I would never have done it on somebody if not for the anger bubbling inside me. All of my frustration at Jace overwhelmed me as I punched him right in the stomach, making his eyes widen as he pushed me away.

Maybe he pushed me away with too much strength, or maybe he intended it to be like that, but I fell, again, but this time, intense pain shot through me.

"Kate! Are you okay?" Ashley's eyes were as large as saucers as she took in my expression.

Meanwhile, Annabelle's eyes widened as she pointed at something on the ground. " that your teeth?"

I whipped my head around and sure enough, I saw a broken part of my front teeth on the floor. Tears were rolling freely down my cheeks as I recalled my mother telling me gently that the negative effects of having "buck teeth" was that my teeth could be broken real easy if I even shouted out loud as I fell.

Jace was crouching down, looking at me as emotions that seemed like guilt and remorse flashed in his eyes.

"Kate, it was not on purpose-" He was cut off as I got up and ran into the bathroom sobbing.

My cries got even louder as I thought of my brother. He always appeared in my thoughts, but times like these made me wish without an ounce of hope for him, because if he were here, things would be much more easier.

My big brother would manage to calm me down and he would do the exact right thing for me. Whether it was cheering me up with his lame jokes or making me watch football games with him, his presence would make me feel safe and sound.

I missed him more than ever. With the issues I have now, I could not help but feel naked and vulnerable.

But life must always have it in for me mustn't it?

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