Chapter 11

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(I didn't proofread much so there may be some errors)

I CONTINUED LAUGHING AS Peter and the rest of the group looked at me as if I were that lunatic in the newspaper that recently escaped from the asylum.

Wait, what happened? Why was I laughing?

Oh right. Those jerks.

Stars appeared on the top of Christina's head as the weight of the rumors sank into the heart of poor, depressed me. She looked like an avenging angel at the moment, with the halo on her head that was probably me seeing stars. I caught a glimpse of Jace rushing into the restroom with that damned expression on his face that normally signifies worry, but for a guy like him and a girl like me it's probably not that. I'm trash and he shouldn't be concerned for junk. And he's trash so he wouldn't have emotions like that on his face.

Ha, trashes we both were. Unlike attracts, like repels. Middle school taught me that. My eyes travelled down his face to his...bruised knuckles.

I croaked like a dying frog. "Why...are you hurt?" My shaking hands pointed at Jace, and after watching him rush towards me, my cranium kissed the ground, imitating Romeo and Juliet when they shared the tension, except that we weren't two birds in love.


"What the fuck happened to you?"

"I punched him."

I heard a grunt on my right. And silence on my left. Mysterious.

Slowly, I pried my eyelids open forcefully. They seemed literally glued together. Who did Jace punch? I had to ask. My mouth, however, refused to move as soon as I saw everyone rush to me, obvious concern in their eyes. I'm in luck to have friends like them.

The first person my eyes caught on was Jace.

"Thank God." He whispered hoarsely.

I rubbed my fingers on his hands, looking at him with a questioning gaze. He looked away. I shrugged. He'll have to answer me later.

Taking a look around the bare room I was in, I noticed that all the people in the group were present. The school counsellor stood out of the pack like a sore thumb, and was walking towards me with the standard smile she always wore with the students she counselled.

Oh no.

"How are you, Kate?" She asked gently. I could feel the familiar feeling of the lump stuck in my throat. I don't know. Am I good? Probably not.

I was aware of my heart thumping hard against my chest as the old feeling of desolation returned when her hands clamped around mine, just like the times when I got my teeth broken, or after Cameron died. This action seemed almost symbollic, highlighting that the episodes would be back. Even her mere presence screamed trouble now.

I looked around the room, trying to see anything but her. But the things I saw weren't of much help either. Everyone suddenly looked irritating to me. Why was Christina looking at me with such concern? Am I a stray dog in need of shelter? Why was Peter calling someone when I'm in the hospital, secretly wanting him to talk to me, to hold me like the old times?

Why did Jace look so penitent?

The lunatic in me flung Martha the Counsellor away. Everyone flinched. The little girl in me felt stricken for causing them distress, but of course the lunatic was stronger. If he weren't, these would never had happened.

As usual, I witnessed the episode in third person, being the bystander of my own life. I couldn't do anything. I was helpless. I wanted to scream at Jace for starting this, and at Peter for not stopping the rumors.

But then, I also really need a hug.

It made me cringe just admitting it to myself, but I really wanted it. I craved it.

Someone squeezed my shoulder tightly, and wrapped their strong-looking arms around me. It filled me with warmth even though it was admittedly in an awkward position.

Boys can't hug for shit.

But the little girl in me sucked in a breath.

"Get out. All of you except Jace and Martha." My voice shocked me. It sounds cold. Dangerous.

"Calm down, my dear." Martha finally cooed. She held one of my hands. With a jolt, I realised that Jace was the one that half-hugged me. It wasn't Peter. Why is my heart not breaking now? Why do I feel nothing?

Well, almost nothing. Jace seemed to tame me.

But I wasn't a lion. I wasn't scary.

Was I?!

Stop analysing this, Kate.

Alright then. But it wasn't over, the lunatic was still here. Poor Jace. I wanted someone to hurt, and that should scare me.

"This reminds me of the good ol' times, right Martha?" I laughed without humor, fixing my eyes on Jace. He was staring at me with such a tender look in his eyes. It literally froze me.

Martha frowned.

I continued. "Where were you, Jace? Who did you beat up this time? Did the guy's unfortunate teeth break?" Sarcasm and I weren't friends. She only appeared when I get extremely angry.

Silence followed my words. Was he carefully choosing his words, wary of offending me? Or did he really break his teeth?

"Clayton. Annabelle's new date. His teeth is unfortunately still in its proper place." He finally said, a faint hint of humor in his last sentence.

I snorted. "Then it's only poor, unfortunate me."

"Kate, don't do this." He pleaded with me. Yes, he pleaded. Mr High-and-Mighty was at my mercy. The idea of Jace being at my mercy was sickeningly hilarious. And yet it filled my sadistic self with pleasure. This lunatic follows pleasure alone.

"Why not, Jace? The memory you gave me haunted me ever since you left. Why should I not tell you this? To make your life better?!" My voice got more hysterical as I screamed. I could sense Martha get up and take a container out of her bag.

He looked tortured. I blinked. The little girl in me didn't want this to happen. No I didn't.

"Kate, I-"

I cut him off. "Go before I hurt you."

He didn't move.

"Please, Jace. I don't want to harm you." I choked the words out of my mouth. Martha rushed over and hurriedly gave me the pill, and it was the perfect time. No sarcasm intended. I was luckily sane now. Did Jace tame it again?

I took the pill. I normally didn't.

"It's the other way round." He said it lowly, so low that I almost didn't catch it.


He shook his head, mustering a smile. "Go home, Kate. Go home."

A/N: I'm pretty proud of this chapter because it's written better than the previous ones imo and it's not published two months after I write! Also, just in case you are unaware, most chapters here have two parts in them and the first part is normally short :)

(Next chapter writes about Jace but in third person XD Get ready for the quarter reveal!)

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