Chapter 6

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"WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED during lunch?" Peter looked at me with curious eyes that held a hint of suspicion.

"Nothing much. I just shouted at Jace and he apologized, that's all." I shrugged nonchalantly, deciding to not let Peter know about what happened when we were by ourselves.

"In front of the whole school!" Frank added, unaware of the tension between us.

"And what's so special about that?" Owen furrowed his eyebrows, his usual seriousness radiating off him as he studied Jace like a scientist examining chemicals. Jace noticed it and sat up straighter, adjusting himself so that he looked like a statue. A very well crafted one, in this case.

What happened next would be the biggest wonder in the universe.

Owen actually laughed at Jace's reaction, which was a very rare thing since Owen barely changed his expression the entire time. Jace was obviously smart enough to realise that, as a satisfied expression took over his features when he saw that he managed to make him crack a smile.

"Jace never apologizes." Thomas Grayson replied for Frank, giving me a knowing look.

Thomas Grayson -Jace's buddy in middle school. Remember how he tripped me over in the cafeteria? That's the same guy. Now you may be wondering why the hell my friends and I were hanging out with my Childhood Tormentor the Second.

Let's return to an hour ago.




I groaned as I opened my eyes, lifting my head from the study table. Grabbing my phone from my bed, I was greeted with Jace's face popping up on my caller ID.

"Wassup Jacey." I drawled sleepily.

"I'm standing at your front door." He replied with amusement.

I was wide awake now. What the heck was he doing at my house? Putting on a bra, I rushed downstairs to find him and his friends gathered at the gate like they were waiting for a party to start.

Well, I am definitely not the host.

"Yo you people out there! There ain't no party in this damn house! Now get out of my sight before I call the cops for illegal gathering right in front of the house-" I shouted.

What? I was lazy to walk towards them.

Jace interrupted me when he walked towards me and covered my mouth so that only muffled sounds escaped from it.

"You goddamn motherf-" Jace shut my mouth again after he thought that I would be quiet. Well he thought wrong.

"You woke me up when I was dream-" I tried talking again, but Jace would not allow any of it.

"Shh Kit Kat, we have a group outing to get to." My eyes widened as I finally remembered about the hangout Peter planned.

"Oh." I said after Jace removed his hand from my mouth.

"But why are these people going?" I gestured towards the group of boys that are all good-looking and were obviously his friends. Thomas Grayson winked at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I invited them." Jace answered, unaware of my conflicted feelings. Why? Because I would be in a car full of hot guys and that would make me stutter. Also, there would obviously be talks about boobs.

Just look at Ivan, for instance. One minute into the car ride and he was already engaged in a conversation about Megan in cheerleading and her "peach". I sighed and buckled my seatbelt since he practically left me with no choice.

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