Part 12

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As the plane starts to move I fasten the seat belt and pull the strap to secure it a bit more.

I look to my right a handsome guy sitting in the seat next to me. He has jet black hair, is dressed in all black, black skinny jeans, black T-shirt and leather jacket and oh my....his eyelashes are goals!

Just then my cell starts ringing. I look at my screen and swipe it to answer.

"When are you landing?" says Aditya in a bored tone.

"Hi brother. I'm good thank you for asking." I reply with sarcasm.

"When are you landing?" he repeats

"In a few hours. Say seven to eight hours. Why do you want to know? You don't have to pick us up, we'll take taxi. Just text me the hotel's address, okay?"

"I'm not coming to pick you up. I asked cause Aliya's birthday is in two days. I hope you remember."

I move the phone away from my ear and stare at the screen to look at the date.

30th April, shit! I completely forgot. How could I?

"Aditya! I totally forgot! Shit! Tell me you've planned something or have gotten something for her!" I ask desperately thinking of presents that Aliya would like.

"I knew you'd forget, see I knew I'm a better sibling." I could feel him smirking on the other side. "Don't you worry little sissy, I've already gotten her something and I know she's gonna love. It's gonna be from all of us." He says and I feel like punching him the face for bragging.

Sighing I answer, "FYI, I only forgot it this once and that to because of the assignments and stuff has kept me really occupied. I never forget birthdays."

"Yeah yeah. Anyways you're welcome."

Just then an air hostess comes up to our seat and says "Ma'am we're about to take off. Could you please switch off your cellphone?"

"Adi, I've gotta go. We're about to take off. Bye."

"Have a safe flight! Bye." And with that he hangs up.

I wonder what did he get, I hope it's not something stupid. Aliya hates it when people who are close to her forget her birthday. A few years ago, when Jay had forgotten her birthday, she had given him a silent treatment for weeks. I better have a backup plan if incase Aditya's surprise turns out to be something stupid.

As the plane gains speed, the lights switch off. I can feel the plane taking off, the wheels no longer touching the ground and the weird sensation in my stomach starts again.

"Urgh!" I groan.

"Are you okay?" asks Harry looking at me. It wasn't completely dark, but I could still see his handsome face.

"Yes, I am fine. I just hate flying. Especially the take-off part, the landing part and the turbulences. And also that feeling in the stomach." I whine and he chuckles.

"So you are afraid of heights after all." He winks.

"Oh no I'm not! I just made that up cause I wanted to sit next to you." I reply sarcastically.

He chuckles again and just then there was a ping sound and all the lights came back on. The seatbelt sign goes off and I can hear the clicking of the belt flaps.

"So, where are you from? Harry asks.

"I'm from India. And I'm guessing from your accent that you're British?"

"Indeed I am." he smiles and asks, "What do you do? As in, are you in college or working?"

"Umm....I actually am in my third and last year of college. I am doing Bachelors in Commerce and I am also working in a dance studio." I say smiling at him.

"Ooo...Business minded are you?"

" could say that."

"What about you? What do you do?" I question.

"Uh....I like singing. I mean I sing. It's what I love." He smiles and looks at me.

"That's nice. You should do what you love, that way you'll never get bored." I smile looking at him.

"What do you love?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side.

"I love dancing. Dancing for me is a way of expression. And that's why I am traveling."

He looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

I tell him everything from the auditions to our selection, to the part where we got our tickets to US for the tour. But why am I telling him all this? He's a complete stranger, I hardly know him. We've just met and here I am telling him everything.

"That's amazing!" he exclaims.

"Yeah it is. It's like a dream come true. Like a new beginning."

It is the truth. It is a new beginning, like a new chapter in life. Since I had joined college, I had been very ambitious. I wanted to travel, fall in love and make dad really proud. But I wanted to do this all by myself. I didn't want my dad's money. I wanted to be self-made.

"All the best for your new beginning. And I hope that all your dreams come true." he smiles showing me his deep dimples.

And I just smile back. He is so sweet and kind.Maybe I was being judgmental or might have over-reacted. He's a good stranger. 

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