Aditi's POV
"Aditi? Aditi wake up." I hear someone repeating my name over and over again. Shaking me lightly to wake me up. I open my eyes slowly trying to adjust to the light. When I fully open them, I see Aliya, Jay and Nora standing above me, looking at me with confused and worried expressions on their faces. I get up very slowly. Jay helps me up and makes me sit on the sofa.
What happened? Did Salman actually leave? Did he break up with me? Or was it all just a bad dream? A sharp pain shoots through my head and I wince. My eyebrows furrow tight with pain. I rest my head in my hands and massage my temple.
"Aditi." says Nora softly.
"Hmm". I reply, not being able to talk.
"What happened? Why did Salman leave?" she asks again, quietly.
"Nora...." I try to tell her everything, but my throat tightens at Salman's name. My eyes start burning at the thought.
"Babe...." says Jay.
"I just need time. I promise I will tell you everything, but not now. I can't...."
I'm not able to finish, as tears start rolling down my face. I stand up quickly and rush to the bathroom. I shut the door and sob hard. Tears gush out like a river, spilling down my face. I feel my chin tremble like a small child. I slide down the door, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.
It's all my fault. It's because of me Salman left, left his dream. If I weren't so selfish and heartless, this wouldn't have happened. I had Salman with me, then I should've drawn the line. I shouldn't have flirted with Harry.
All the most possibly negative thoughts race through my mind and I am not able to control them. My breathing becomes rapid and shallow. The thoughts are accelerating inside my head. I want them to slow so I can breathe, but they won't. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I will black out. My heart is hammering inside my chest. The room starts spinning and I am sitting on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something my brain and body can cope with. I start seeing images, images of Salman leaving. Him taking his suitcase and walking out the door.
"Goodbye Aditi...."
"It's for the best."
His voice echoes around me. I try to block it out, his voice, his face, but it's no use, it keeps popping up. I want to scream out, but no voice seems to come out.
"Aditi..." I whisper to myself, "You need to stop..." I take in a deep breath to steady my breathing and wipe off my tears. I breathe in a few times and the room slowly stops spinning, my vision isn't blurry. I put my palms on the floor and push myself off. I hold on to the sink trying to stand properly, since my legs feel numb.
I look at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I look like I haven't had a good sleep in days. My hair is a mess, wet patches of tears on my cheeks and blood shot eyes. Automatically, I start peeling off my clothes. I know I had a shower this morning, but it is what I need right now.
Once I am completely naked, I walk into the shower cubicle and turn the hot water tap. As soon as the hot water hits my body, I feel a bit relaxed. I feel the water drowning away the feelings, the worries, the anxiousness.
Harry's POV
I plop down on the bed.
"Finally." I sigh.
We just reached our hotel. I directly came up to my room while Louis and Zayn wanted to have breakfast. They asked me to join, but I wasn't hungry. It's only nine and we have a busy day ahead, a meeting in the afternoon and later a flight in the evening.
I feel exhausted, though I had a good sleep. I hadn't slept that well in a long time. Sleeping with Aditi made me feel like I was back home, in Cheshire, in my old bedroom, sleeping peacefully. No tours, no flight, mom's handmade good food. I miss all that. I miss being home. Being in one of the biggest boyband has its own downside, not that I don't appreciate it all, but yes, sometimes I do wish that I was a normal twenty year old boy.
My thoughts go back to Aditi. I messed it up for her. I might have a crush on her, might like her a little more, but what I did was wrong. I have to give her a proper apology. When I woke up next to her, everything seemed perfect, but the look on her boyfriend's face, when he saw me on Aditi, just snapped me back to reality.
I think of having a quick nap, before the meeting and lunch. I take off my shirt and toss it on the floor. I lie down on the bed, sighing, but just then, my phone starts ringing. Groaning, I take the phone out of my jeans pocket.
"Hello." I sigh, without looking at the name on the screen.
"Yes." I take it away from my ears to look at the name on the screen. It's Aditi.
"Aditi?" I ask.
"No, Aliya here. Harry I need to talk to you." she says in a hurried tone.
"Sure, Aliya. What's wrong?" I sit up, sensing something wrong has happened.
"What happened last night?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean, Harry." she whines.
"Aliya, I..."
"Salman's nowhere to be seen, Aditi was passed out in the floor in his room. And now, she's shut herself in the bathroom, crying her eyes out. Now only you can tell us what actually happened."
"Wait. What do you mean Aditi passed out? Is she alright?" I question her as I get off my bed looking for the T-shirt I threw.
"Yes, Harry, she passed out. And we're sick worried! Now will you tell me what happened?!"
Shit! Salman left? Left Aditi? He left because of me. It was my fault. I knew she had a boyfriend, I should've controlled my feelings. I didn't know things would get so serious. I mean, we just slept, that's it. Nothing actually happened. And that ass left her, just like that. I have to see her.
"Harry! Are you there?!" shouts Aliya.
"I'm on my way there. Just make sure Aditi is alright." I tell her and hang up.
I rush to the door, grabbing my car keys on the way. I make my way to the elevator and keep jabbing the down button thinking it might make the lift come faster. Once the door pings open I get in. I take out my phone and call Paul.
He answers on the first ring, "Harry. Why didn't you...."
"Paul, I might be late for the meeting. Something urgent just came up. "
"Harry, but..."
I cut him off, "Paul, please, this is kinda important. I promise I'll try my best to make it to the meeting."
"Okay son, but you better make it. You know how the management is?" he warns me.
"Yes Paul, I know. Just try to delay it for me a bit."
"Don't worry son."
"Thanks Paul." I hang up and just then the elevator door pings open. I go out through the back entrance, cause the paparazzi are still outside our hotel, stalking us.
I briskly walk through the narrow corridors, which the security team had shown us the day we came to this hotel. I finally see the 'Exit door'. I open and come out to a small alley. I walk straight to the main road and hail a cab. Getting inside, I give him Aditi's hotel address.

What's Written In The Stars [H.S]
FanfictionCompleted✅ ***WARNING***Contains sexual content, graphic violence, drug abuse, rape and strong language. "So I guess this is goodbye then." I turn around and see Harry with a black suitcase. "It was nice meeting you, Harry. You'll never know...we mi...