Part 30

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Harry stops tickling me, turning around to look at the door as I do the same. Salman is standing at the door, looking shocked. He closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath. Harry gets off me and I lie there not knowing what to say.

"Sal-Salman." I stutter. I sit up straight.

"I came in to ask for an Advil. Looks like you're busy." he gives me a hard look and walks off.

"Salman!" I shout and get up, but before I get to my bedroom door, I hear the door shut.

"Shit." I murmur to myself and pinch my temple.

"I'm sorry, Aditi. I didn't mean to..." Harry says gently but I cut him off.

"No, no. It's fine. What are you apologising for?" I tell him calmly, but my mind is racing thinking about what just happened. Salman looked furious and I've never seen him that mad before.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have..." says Harry but I cut him off again.

"Harry, I don't want to talk about it. I'll deal with it later." Honestly, I don't want to think about it anymore. I'll keep over thinking and make the whole situation worse. Yes, I will talk to Salman, but later, not now. And I am sure that he will understand. And I also want to tell Harry that it's not his fault and that he doesn't have to feel bad. But I can't seem to bring the words to my mouth. This is what happens every single time. My anxiety gets the best of me. I'll have so many things to say, but I won't be able to say a single word.

"I'll wake the guys up. We'll leave." he sighs as he gets up and starts wearing his T-shirt and then his skinny jeans.

"Harry, listen. It's fine, I promise. You didn't do anything."

"Aditi, I was on you, in my boxers. That's not appropriate."

"Harry, please. Stop blaming yourself."

"If you were mine and if someone else was on top of you, tickling you or whatever, I would be damn pissed."

If you were mine...

Harry walks out, and I sigh heavily. I go to the bed and plop down. Just then my phone beeps.

Salman: We need to talk.

Shit. Is he really upset?

Me: okay.

I sigh again. He's really upset. All the negative thoughts start running through my mind.

"Uhh, what time is it?"

"It's eight, mate."

"Why did you wake us up so early? My head hurts." I hear Zayn speaking groggily. His voice sounds rough.

"We have to leave. We have a plane to catch." Harry replies with sadness laced in his voice.

"Our flight is in the evening!"

"Stop asking me so many questions! You're giving me a headache!" I hear Harry yell at Zayn.

"Okay! Jeez!"

I stand up, trying to think where I kept my medicine box. I had kept necessary medicines like for headache, dizziness, vomiting, stomach pain and fewer. I go to the cupboard and look for the box. Once, I find it, I take out two tablets for headache and walk out to the living room where Zayn is sitting with his head in his hands and Louis massaging his temples.

I cough to get their attention, they look at me and I walk towards them, grabbing a plastic water bottle from the side table.

"Have this. It's help with the headache." I give one to Zayn and Louis. They murmur thanks.

"Where's Harry?"

"Freshening up."

"Oh okay."

Just then Harry enters the room and his eyes meet mine but he quickly averts them. I feel a pain in my chest. I feel like crying. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that our friendship's going to end. And I don't want it to. I've grown attached to him somehow and I don't want to let him go.

Zayn gets up and walks towards Aliya's room, in which is the bathroom. I couldn't bear his silence. He wasn't even looking at me. I walk away from them and go to my room. I look at the time, it's eight-fifteen. We have to catch our flight at four. I go to the bathroom to freshen up. When I walk in the bathroom, I look at my reflection in the mirror, above the sink. My hair is really messy, my mascara is smeared all around my eyes. I look really tired even after a good five hour sleep. I look at my clothes and realize that I hadn't changed last night.

After a quick shower, I wrap a towel around my chest and another one around my head. I get out of the bathroom and walk towards my cupboard to take out fresh clothes. The boys haven't left, cause I can still hear their voices in the other room.

Once I am dressed, I go out and see that they are still sitting on the sofa. Harry is talking on the phone.

"We'll be down in a minute." he pauses, then says, "Yes Paul, we'll use the back exit." he hangs up.

"He's down?" asks Zayn.

"Yep. Let's go." replies Harry.

I fake a cough to catch their attention and they all turn their heads to me.

"Oh, you're done showering? I had come in to tell you that we were leaving in a bit." says Louis, who looks a bit fresh.

"Yeah, done showering. Not staying for breakfast?" I ask them. I want them to stay longer. I want Harry to stay longer.

"Uh, no. Sorry, we can't. We were supposed to have morning recording session and we missed it. Paul's pissed." replies Zayn.

We stand there, silent, for a while. Harry hasn't spoken a word.

"Okay then. I'm happy that you came to the show and to celebrate. I had a good time. I hope we meet again." I tell them.

They agree and I hug Louis and then Zayn.

"We'll meet soon." says Zayn, smiling, as I let go of him.

I smile back and stand in front of Harry. We stare at each other silently. I don't know what to tell him. I don't want him to go.



We say at the same time and chuckle.

"Goodbye, Aditi." he says as he finally pulls me into a hug. We stand there for a while in silence. My head resting in the crook of his neck while his arms wrap around my small waist.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but it felt like home.

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