2. Are you alright?

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"Jasmine?" turning her head Jas looks over to Leonardo who looked to be curious of something "Yes? Is something the matter?" she asked as he simply smiled at her "Well, I was going to meditate in my room until I saw I had ran out of incenses to use" he explained making her look at him confused "But I thought I already bought some about two weeks ago, how can it be all gone right now?" she asked, it made no sense for there to be none now "The store is going to be out of the ones you like for another two months too" she mumbled to herself as she tried to figure something out "Or you could make some?" he suggested making her look at him surprised to his idea "Uh, sure I can do that, but I will need some time to make some" she said making him nod and walk back to his room as she turned back to her reading her book for now before training would start like most Saturday's making her smile a bit before she hear her three little brother's walk out of the lab and towards the dojo to get ready.

With a huff she got up and set her book down before going to join them in the dojo to get ready for training, it had been like this for some time now since there father went on a journey with the Ancient One making Leo the leader until his return which would then make Jas the leader "We will start with some katas and then teams of two for battle and then one against the other" Leo explained as Raph went with Mikey as Donnie went with Jas, Leo decided to watch for now making the four start there training with the katas "Jas, is something weird with Leo?" Donnie asked making her look at him confused to his question "What are you talking about? Leo is fine just couldn't meditate today" she said making him sigh and focus back on the katas "Donatello, go to my room after training so we can talk" Leo said making Mikey shiver as training kept going like always "Begin the battle!" he said as Don and Jas went into defense while Raph and Mikey went in sync to battle making Jas wonder why Raph looked mad at her at the moment as he tried to hit her more like she was a purple dragon or even a foot ninja then his sister.

"Raph! What is wrong with you! Were training not death battling!" she said but he ignored her as he took his sai out and stabbed her left thigh making her scream in pain as Leo went in to stop the battle before Raph harmed her anymore "Training stops until Jas is looked at and Raphael, right after training you are going to my room and Donatello will wait until after you go to your room!" Leo said as he took her to the lab so Don could examine her to see the damage Raph had done to her, Don examined the wound and claimed it to be a clean stab and after cleaning and disinfecting it the wound should heal in a few weeks "But no walking around or training until it heals well enough for you to move around without our help and for the next few days I want you on bedrest" he explained making her nod to his demands as he then walked out leaving her with Leo "Let me help you to your room" he said making her nod as he gently bridal style carry her to her room as she blushed and was slightly confused to the move he had just done on her.

Gently he brought her towards her room and into her bed making her blush as he got her tucked in making her blush as he then bent down to her eye level making her look into his dark blue eyes "Is there anything you need?" he asked making her simply shake her head as he then brought his phone out "I want you to text or call me if you ever need anything, Donnie is when it's the wound and Mikey is for meals" he explained making her nod to him before he stood and left the room, she was left alone with nothing but the silence of her room with her thoughts making her sigh as she decided to get some sleep for now while the others did the rest of the training for the day making her wish she could join them at the moment yet could not due to Don and his demand of her to be on bedrest until he claims her to be well enough to join them and to walk on her own.

"Jas? Jas are you awake?" opening her eyes and turning her head she saw Mikey with a tray of foods making her sit up and smile at him as she gets her glasses back on her face, he set the tray on the desk next to her as he helped her to sit down gently at the edge of her bed making Jas thank him for his actions "Leo wanted you to eat something and Donnie got something for you if it hurts for you to take" Mikey explained with a look of worry making her ask him about it "When Raph came out of Leo's room it was while limping towards his room, it took about an hour before Don came out and he had a look of fear once he got out and quickly went to his lab" he explained making her have no idea at what she could tell him from that, she could tell that he wanted to say more to her on the subject yet when the door opened to let Leo in he froze and left with the tray with simple dishes to be now cleaned "Is there anything you need before I go meditate?" Leo asked as she shakes her head no to him making his face look to be slightly hurt for not doing anything for her at the moment making her get an idea "Maybe a book to read would be nice" she said making Leo smile and nod before going to get one for her to read.

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