9. Sexy orange

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Jas woke up to a gentle humming making her turn to see Leo there combing gently her hair as he hummed a tune to her making her smile to him, she then saw an orange wrapped box making her smile as it was from his brother Mikey making her excited to open it at the moment making Leo chuckle "I see that I can interest you quickly with things my brother's made or got for our sister" he whispered making her blush at the orange undergarment that was inside the box making Jas smile as she slowly got it on before putting on some clothes making Leo smile at her and walk over to help adjust her pants to hide the panties making her blush as his hands were on her hips "I would take you right now but we need to go for training" he said making her smile and nod as she was now able to join training, they ate breakfast and joined the trio in the dojo making her feel excited to start training once again as she had to spar against Donnie while Mikey was against Raph yet Jas felt Raph watching her and wondered why but instead focused on training as Donnie looked almost ready to snap her bones.

And then it happened, Donnie had slammed her into the wall with his shell making her gasp for air as she felt like her ribs had snapped making everyone stop as Leo went to her side and started talking but Jas had passed out, when she came to she was in bed with a breathing mask and an IV drip in her arm making her look around to understand what was going on at the moment as the door opens to let in Leo who looked at her with guilt in his eyes "He told them what you and I did before him, he believes that I drugged you and decided to try and harm you so I would show who I truly was but instead got nothing as I was able to make them believe that I was confused as to what happened" he explained making her slowly nod to his words as he smiled at her and sat at the edge of the bed to place a hand to her cheek "I was scared when you passed out, I thought I would have lost you" he said making tears stream down her cheeks "Never... leave... you" she gasped out in slight pants due to the fact that she still had a hard time breathing.

"Make... them... pay... show... no... mercy" she continues making him nod as his eyes were no longer full of love for her but of anger towards the three turtles, he walked out of the room to do something to them as she quickly went back to sleep while not knowing what the screams and begging for her were for as she drifted to a dream of three voices speaking almost as if she were there with them before she woke up to seeing Leo making her smile to him as he did the same for her "I'm glad your awake" he said making her gently smile to him as he took her hand gently making her smile "I was really scared for a moment too you know, I was lucky enough to know how to take care of things like this thanks to Donnie but I was still scared that I had done something wrong" he explained making her nod as he slowly and gently examined her body to make sure she was fine at the moment making her smile even more as she tried to breath at the moment yet was still in some pain but it wasn't something hard for him to take care of at the moment as helped her sit up and removed the breathing mask from her face slowly and gently.

"I'm going to watch over you for a bit, I injected you with a medicine my brother Donnie worked on for our sister to heal faster a little earlier, it should be fully done in an hour or so" he said making her slowly nod to his words as he stroked her cheek towards her breast and hips with a sad look on his face "I really want you right now, but your still healing, once it's over i'll make sure you can't walk or sit down tomorrow or for the week" he said making her blush and moan in pleasure to the idea, he then smiled before helping her eat some broth for now saying that he would make something else when she get's her strength back later on which made her nod to his words as she ate slowly so to not choke or get sick at the moment as he also carried her to the bathroom after removing the IV to give her a bath to get cleaned in "Does it hurt when you try to talk?" he asked as he gently moved the washcloth on her skin "No" she said simply while trying to swallow some saliva to help with the dryness in her throat at the moment.

"If anything hurts tell me" he said making her nod as she gently kissed his chin causing Leo to smile at her gently, he truly wanted to have fun with her but it wasn't the time for she was still healing at the moment from what Donnie had done to her about two days ago, he didn't tell her for he didn't want to see Jas worry about it at the moment so it was for the best to simply keep it from her for now, just until she was healed and could do things on her own "How... long was... I out?" she asked making him look at her in surprise "Two days, two fucking days that felt like years" he said making her try to hug him from the position they were in at the moment, she loved Leo and hated to see him in such a state for to her crying just broke her heart most of the time when it was her brother's as she only wanted to help them with the pain they were in "It's... alright i'm... healing right?" she asked making Leo look at her for a moment before nodding with a smile and then gently kissed her.

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