11. The need of comfort

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As Leo got Jas into the room she was still saying things towards April who was slowly crying from the many words as Casey tried to comfort her, he got her on the bed to try and calm her down but it wasn't working like he had wanted "April isn't there anymore" he said and that made Jas stop at that moment making Leo sigh in relief as she went to be held by him gently to further calm her down "She planned this, she knew I wouldn't want to so she did it without me knowing" she mumbled making Leo hold her even closer as she cried softly in his arms, as she cried Leo thought about this further in and realized that April did this because she knew that Jas would have been alright with it if he hadn't been there from the start and it was there Leo instead of him.

By the time she calmed down the couple had left for there home and the trio were somewhere else in the lair at the moment, Leo decided to simply kiss her all over gently in hopes to get her to sleep a bit before going to the kitchen to get them both something to eat for the day and it wasn't hard because the food they were preparing together was left untouched making him get back to work and then getting it ready for himself and Jas to eat together making him smile as he went to Jas as she slept with ease on her face making him then sit down at her side as she slowly woke up to see him watching her with a soft smile on his face making her blush in return to him "Hey, slept well?" he asked making her nod as she sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry, I just never got mad at April for something like this before" she explained making him nod as he sat down next to her and they then ate together making him watch her smile as they ate "This is really good Leo" she said making him then smile at her kind words, she moved closer to him and kissed his neck gently making him snuggle closer to him as he kissed the top of her head as she giggled to him as he then pinned her to the bed making her then giggle at him as she then squealed towards him and his actions "Hold still!" he said making her giggle, his words weren't serious but playful making her laugh at him as he tickled her and removed hr clothes quickly as he did his gear.

"You are so wet and needy~" he moaned as he pushed his length inside of her with such ease that she moaned with him, he moved quickly and with such strength that she gasped his name out loudly as her legs wrapped around his waist making him churr out in pleasure as he climaxed deep inside of her as she moaned in pleasure as she did the same "We need to do this more often" he said as she blushed from being embarrassed of his words, he placed her over his plastron as they both slowly went to sleep for the day without knowing or caring about the other three and what they could be doing at the moment of all times "I love you, so very much Jas" he whispered making her smiled and look at him for a quick moment "I love you too Leo" she whispered back making him smile as they both then went to sleep.

Jas had a dream, a truly odd but nice dream for a matter, she was with Leo and near him was his true brother's all smiling at her as she saw she was wearing the outfit Donnie had made as she saw she was in there world, a place in what looked to be ruins of the city as she then saw that the place became the inside of a home the four turtles working around the place with her watching them from the couch making her smile at them as then a sharp pain came to her side as she saw a katana making her turn to her true brother Leo looking angered towards her as he was pushed away by the Leo she loved as he and his brother's got to her side as she felt the place spin and getting dark, yet then she saw she was seated on a throne and her brother's, her sensei and her friends were before her all tied up without there weapons as the four turtle's she loved now were at her side as she laughed and ordered for the ones before her to die.

She then woke up in a jump, panting and sweating as she tried to control her breathing, she looked around and saw no Leo making her worry about him as she slowly stood up before going out to try and find him in the lair as she felt like something bad could happen to him making her try to find him as fast as she could, but as she was about to go over to the lair the sound of Leo yelling to be released made her eyes widen and worry took her over as she slammed the dojo doors open with wide eyes to what she saw before her.

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