7. An unforgettable night

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As Jasmine woke up the faint scent of incense told her that Leo had meditated not long ago as she started to wake up, looking around she saw that it was true Leonardo had meditated while she slept and had stopped not long ago as the scent still lingered slightly making her know it wasn't long ago that it ended as then the door opened as Leo walked into the room with a tray of food for two making her smile "I thought you would be hungry when you wake up so I made something for the both of us" he said making her nod as she watched him sit on the bed as they then started to eat together, he told her about training for the day making her listen well as she knew that with her foot there would sadly be limits on her at the moment making Jas need to figure out other things to do during those times as she then stared at his lips wanting them on her own at the moment as without noticing he watched her "You want something?" he asked making her jump and look at him in surprise as he then pulled her close so to gently kiss her on the lips making her blush as they kissed.

"Tonight, tonight come to my room where something shall wait for you" he whispered making her blush and moan as she wanted more at the moment making him chuckle "And if your very nice today i'll do whatever you want" he added making her eyes widen as she nodded for she truly wanted this as a new thing to be able to have with Leo "Will I be able to choose first if I am?" she asked making him smile, kiss her forehead and then nod making her smile and hug him as she then walked out of the room to get changed in her room and then get ready for breakfast and then meditation making her smile as she saw Leo walk out of his room as she was making breakfast for everyone "I'm making pancakes for today" she said making Leo smile and nod as he sat down to watch her as he waited for her to make his tea making her smile and nod as she took some of her time to make it as the others came in to sit and join them as Mikey saw what she was making at the moment.

"Pancakes? But you said you were going to make omelets for us" Mikey said making her confused "No Mikey, she said she was going to make French toast for us" Donnie corrected as she was about to say something until Raph groan "If she said that than it ain't a problem fer her to make them all" he said making the two cheer as then Leo slammed his hands on the table making them all turn to him "We never say what we make so why should she start doing that now?" he asked making them all go quiet as Jas went to work on her pancakes, she felt bad about it all as she then served everyone and then ate herself with no thanks but from Leo for both his meal and the tea making her smile and nod to him as she then took there plates while each of them left for the dojo with Leo watching her "Let me help" he said making her smile and nod to him as they got to work together on the dishes "I noticed in your room you had many cook books, recipes marked in each of them yet not looked to have been used" he said making her turn to him.

She looked over to the dojo and knew they were listening "It's just something stupid" she said hoping he would get the hint that since they were listening she couldn't tell him the truth, he looked at her for a moment and quickly went to the dojo for a few moments making her confused for a bit until he walks out and grabs her and takes her to the bathroom "Talk" he said simply making her start to cry as she was having a hard time holding it in "Why do you have a picture with sensei with an x on his face while my head is in a heart?" she asked making his eyes widen "So you saw" he said making him sigh "Your not really Leo are you?" she asked "Yes and no. Yes I am Leo but not yours, i'm from another dimension, your brother is in mine due to the fact we each touched a shard of the orb sensei kept" he explained making her nod "Now then, you know a part of my story now I want to know about those books" he said making her then nod to him.

"I always loved to cook, when ever it was my turn I always had fun doing it, one night I slept at April's and found cook books making me look in them, she said that if I wanted we could look online for recipes that I could try making for my family when it was my turn to cook" she started to explain to Leo who sat down with her on the floor "It was fun to bond with her on that, looking them up with her and then helping me to get what was needed to cook it and then going back to the lair to wait for my turn once more" she spoke as they both smiled at this until she changed moods to one of sadness "But as I work they were never nice, always saying insults on what I made and only sensei after they left would actually compliment on it for he knows how hard I worked on making all of it when they think I barely did anything" she said as she started to cry making Leo hold her close to him as she did so "When I went back to April and told her about it she felt bad for me, even Casey was there and he hated them for that. One night when it was my turn they came over to join, but as I cooked the guys kept telling them bad things about my cooking making it hard for me to not cry while cooking, sensei had to go over and make them stop so I could keep going. those three, were the only ones who like my cooking" she ended.

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