10. Purple diva

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It took like Leo said an hour before Jas was even better making her smile as Leo took care of removing all of the equipment from her and the room so he could cuddle with her at the moment before anything else was to happen, he got her even more comfortable so she could rest a bit more for the day as she had some bruises at the moment and he wanted them to heal before anything else was to happen to her right now she slowly went to sleep as his fingers were in her hair combing it gently before he went back to his room to get her something and placed it gently close to where she would see it later on when she would wake up.

She didn't sleep for long only a few minutes and when she did she felt like she could do anything as her eyes turned to a purple box, she smiled and started to open it to see the amazing outfit inside and got to putting it on with the undergarments from Mikey as she smiled and walked out the room as her three brother's watched her with wide eyes go to the dojo where Leo was meditating at the moment making her smirk as she got to him and started kissing him all over before going to his ear slit to whisper "Why don't we just show them that what your doing isn't drugging and raping me but, us making love" this made his eyes snap open in surprise from her words as he blushed at her.

He quickly nodded to her at that moment from the idea as he stood up and started to touch her and the outfit "Donnie is good with outfits" she said making him nod "He always enjoyed making her outfits to make her smile, but when she insulted us and left he made them in hopes getting her to come back" he explained making her nod to his words, she then smiled as he gently held her face in one of his large hands as a tear streamed down her face making him then smile at her as a result of how she was at the moment and from the fact that she looked pleased of the good news she got from his choice on her idea to make the trio understand that what they had was true love.

"I love you Leo" she said making him then kiss her gently not caring if the other three turtles came to watch what they were doing at the moment, all they cared was each other "I love you too Jas" he said back to her as she smiled even wider and blushed making him smile at his good move and the good result it brought him, she could hear Raph, Donnie and Mikey calling for her to come so they could talk about something but she was too into what Leo was doing to her right now to even listen or obey to the request her brother's had made to her as instead she simply moaned in pleasure as Leo moved deep  inside of her in pleasure of there actions.

"We really need to figure things out" she then said as Leo came deep inside of her as he kissed her neck gently letting her know he wanted her to explain "The others, there planning something to get rid of you, I can feel it and i'm scared of it right now" she explained making him look at her eyes making Jas blush as a result, Leo lifted her to his lap and got her dressed once more as he spoke "Let me figure this out, it's like a game of chess, i'm the king of the black set while you the white queen who is being forced away from me to become my and my brother's black queen" he said making her nod and then kiss his cheek gently "You already have me as your black queen, even if they make you leave and get Leo back I will get to you in any way needed" she said making him smile.

Walking out of the dojo the duo held hands and smiled as Jas cooked them lunch as April and Casey walked into the lair to watch with the three other turtle's who weren't happy with the situation, Jas started to cook and Leo moved to help her as she showed him what to do without harming himself or anything in the kitchen making Jas smile as he asked her to show him how to do things which she was more then happy to do at the moment for him as she held his hands and showed it to him a bit before going back to her own task at hand "Isn't there anything we can do to split them?" Casey asked as April thought about it for a moment "What if I took Jas and Casey takes Leo at night? You three can then figure out what happened to the real Leo" she explained making them nod to the plan as they went further into it for a bit.

"There you go! Your doing really well with cooking the meat" Jas claimed making Leo smile at the approval he just got from her as she then told him the next step making him get to it without needing to be showed how to do it making Jas smile as she worked on her own task, when April moved over to her Jas felt the need to hiss but held it back as she sensed Casey moving towards Leo as she wanted to jab the knife in her hand into his stomach for getting close to her Leo "Hey Jas, I was thinking since it's been a while since we got together, that we could go shopping together" April said making Jas feel the want to puke as she hated shopping with a capital HATE for it "No thanks, i'm good with what I have, besides there's nothing new out so why go out when your not going to buy anything?" she asked making April look a bit shocked at what just happened but then brought back a calm face.

"I mean for my wedding dress, Casey's dad thought his wife's dress would do but it's old and to big for me" she explained making Jas this time look at April with a look of being ready to puke "Are you asking for me to die?" she asked making April look confused "I hate shopping for clothes, shopping for a wedding dress is even worse so no, go with your brides maids" she said but then April made her turn "While Karai, Mona and Irma are coming I need my maid of honor and that's you" she explained as this made Jas glare daggers and slam her hands on the counter making everyone turn to her "Your telling me, that you decided on something about me, without my consent?" she asked as then insults, swears and death threats were what came out of Jasmine's mouth as Leo pulled her to his room as quickly as he could.

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