5. My love is never fake

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Jas woke up to something cold on her body that was slowly moving around making her shiver as she then opened her eyes to see Leo seated at the edge of the bed, as Jas looked a bit over her shoulders she sees a bag of ice as Leo slowly moved it over certain places of her body "I felt your muscles tense so I went to get some ice for you" he said as he looked at her making Jas then notice he was smiling as she then realized that she had been blushing making him chuckle as she cover her face with a pillow that was close by to her, then it was removed making Jas see Leo holding it "You don't need to hide your cute side as I enjoy seeing them" he whispered as he leaned closer to her face to then kiss her as Jas moaned into the kiss as Leo made her turn for her back to be on the bed so she would be able to wrap her arms around his neck, when he pulled back from her she was blushing like crazy as his eyes notice tears falling down her face making him worry about what he did wrong.

"It's not a dream... tell me that it's not a dream please" she pleaded as she held him close with her face at his neck making him slowly move a hand to hold the back of her head, he felt like something happened to her at some point "My love for you, the love that you felt last night and just now has never and will NEVER be a dream or even fake" he said making Jas slowly look up to see him starring at her as he then kissed her, closing her eyes Jas allowed herself to be controlled by Leo at the moment making him slowly set her arms above her head as one of his hands held her hip making her gasp at the sudden touch as his lips slowly moved from her lips to get lower making her hands slowly tighten there grip towards his neck as he kept quiet and focused on what he was doing at the moment, when he got closer to her chest it was then that he stopped for he knew that if he goes there it would be too far for her and she would want him to stop so he did nothing and went back up instead.

As she gasps from the pleasure she still cried at Leo's words as she hopes for them to be true as she was slowly getting tired and hoped for Leo to notice, as he looked up to her face he saw that her eyes were dropping making Leo understand that she was going to sleep so he helped her back into bed "Get some sleep" he whispered as his words were the last she heard before going to sleep in his bedroom as Leo then went to work on a few things in the lair and about his three little brother's, when Jas woke up again she was alone in Leo's room and was confused about where he could be as the door opened to let him inside as she sat up and was going to get off the bed until Leo brought her a plate of food "Don't worry about training, I decided to push it back to later on in the day, but the others are to meditate and do some katas" he said making her nod as she got to eating the food while he sat down next to her to read and at the same time watch her in secret while she tried to move her shoulders as they were hard to move making him gently place his hands on her shoulders.

"Try to relax your body while I work" he said making her nod as he massaged her shoulders slowly and moved his hands to the front and the back making her sigh in relief, she was about to go back to eating but her plate was taken away by Leo who went back to his task "Relax for now, you can eat later on" he said making her nod she could feel him doing his best for her as she smiled at how nice it felt for someone to actually like her and now that she knows Leo likes her back but the feeling on the question made her wonder about something as she thought back to what Donnie asked her "Don believes that you have been acting a bit out of yourself" she said making him stop for a moment before going back to work "He claims that for a while now you have changed the way you do certain things" she continued "I will talk to him about this and make sure it's settled" he said making her nod as she went back to relaxing from what Leo was doing to her with her shoulders.

When he was done he allowed her to eat while he goes to see Donnie to talk "Don't worry I won't say anything that would bring you into the subject" he said before leaving the room, she slowly ate her food as she waited for Leo to come back into his room as she wondered what he would say to Donnie as she stopped eating and looked around the room with amazement for the things he had to train himself and study as she looked at the many titles of the books as she looked inside of certain of them to understand what they were about, she then went to look at his desks to see the many papers for training in the dojo for them making her smile for she was amazed at the details Leo wrote for each of them about what to avoid and what each of them need to focus the most on as she leaves them to then see a piece of paper looking to have been drawn on making her pull on it to see herself as she was reading her novel moments before Leo came to her for the incense making her blush and smile before taking her dishes and then leaving the room to take them to the kitchen.

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