Lmao who was left in the chat?

646 30 20

[Jack] wtf where'd everyone go

[Akai Tsubasa has joined the chat]

[Akai] Hi

[Jack] Oh hey.

[Jack] We cool about that whole thing that happened earlier?

[Akai] Yeah, sure

[Jack] Aye, das great

[Akai] How'd you extinguish the flame on your head anyway?

[Jack] Like any sane person, I should've just went over to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

[Jack] But

[Jack] Im not sane

[Jack] So i drop kicked myself into the ocean

[Akai] That's the Joker i know

[Jack] Lmao

[Jack] Now help me add everyone back into the chat

[Akai] ugghghg fine

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