Some kind of headcannon

395 20 12

[King] do you even know how to cut apples

[Dump] uh yes

[King] prove it

[Dump] fine

[King] ...

[King] I'll get the bandages

[Dump] thank you

[King] watch how it's done

[Dump] ...

[Dump] holy hell

[Dump] that was amazing

[King] exactly


[Jack] Dang, really great pie

[Ai] thank you

[Cyan] nothing beats Rose's pie

[Rose] >3<

[Queen] ...

[Jack] hah you can't even cook, Queen


Lmao I can't think of anything for Joker and Phoenix

But uh, if you didn't get it. The headcannon is that the ships have this thing where one person can do something amazing, while the other one is terrible at it.

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