How to fly; With Phoenix

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[Akai] Okay so basically, we gotta stand over here

[Jack] Phoenix we're on top of a fuckin Sky scraper as tall as Mount Everest

[Akai] You'll be fine

[Jack] Ugh, now what?

[Akai] Wait for it

[King] I sense a great disturbance

[King] I also heard a really loud scream

[Akai] don't worry

[Akai] If Joker's anything like me, he'll open up his wings just before he hits the ground

[King] but

[King] Joker's just a human

[King] Phoenix, humans don't have wings

[Akai] O shit, I thought you humans would've already evolved to the point where you could fly

[King] from the point when you woke up into the new world, have you seen even a single human fly since then

[Akai] lmao

[Akai] nope


The thought that when i write a chapter and no one else gets the joke always haunts me lmao

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