a m i t y

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I walk out of the Amity compound with my head down as I am lead to the stranger's house. The horrible stranger beckoning me to walk in a straight direction to the hellhole, the dreaded house in front of me. I glance around to see only slightly familiar faces of the faction. I had run away to Amity to be with my cousins, I gave myself a fringe and blonde hair and everything. But this person just had to take the time and find me, then bring me back to my own slow death.

My worst nightmare.

I look around and see my cousin staring at me, looking like she's about to cry.

"Marlene." I whisper as quietly as I can, almost mouthing the words to her. She nods and gives me a sad look.

"Be strong" I mouth again. She nods in a matter of understanding, and doesn't leave until I had left, and cries.

"WHY DO I HEAR YOU TALKING!" the drunken man shouts at me

"Because I have a mouth, and you have ears." I reply

I sigh. Before I knew it we have reached the hellhole. I hesitantly walk into the house, and slowly enter a room. Not my room, but a boy's room.

A boy's room.

While the drunk stranger staggered slowly to the door to lock it, I take the time to silently regain my breath and look around. A double bed with typical faction coloured sheets, his small closet, and a dusty pair of drawers. I open up one drawer and see a blue sculpture of some sort, one I saw when I was at the outskirts of Erudite and the fence when I was about 3. I open up the other one to see a top of some sort that has the number 3 on it, and its... black? Something candor or dauntless I think. I try to see past the old grey curtains to find a way to escape this place but nothing jumps to mind at the time except for jumping out the window. I look at the window longingly, but I decide that it would be safer here.

I turn to see a menacing scowl upon a familiar face. He smirks and takes a deep breath.

"Oh!" he slurs "I've been looking for you!!!"

He's drunk. Even a six year old could tell you that.

Oh wait, I am 6.

This can only mean one thing. I'm going to be punished for this, and I don't think I'm going to like it one bit.

"What's your name, girl."

I think to myself, what could this horrible "stranger" do anyway? Ground me? Make me not have any food for a week? I mean, what could be the worst he could do?

And with that thought, I stay silent.

His face falls angry, then shuts me into a cupboard and locks the door.

Yep, I'm grounded!

He leaves the room, and then I hear shouting.

Shouts of a boy and his dad.

I try and think of a way out of the closet, but it's no use. I lean against the closet door and it becomes loose. Then I start leaning against it, and it lets go, sending me tumbling to the floor. Since I'm light, I don't make much noise.

Unfortunately, he seems to hear like a bat.

He walks over to me, angry.

"You're worthless." he said. "Just like your brother."

"Is my brother alright?" I question.

"What do you think, you stupid girl."

I try to think of the best possible solution, because that is what I've been taught to do back in Amity. But nothing comes to mind. Nothing. Nothing at all.

"I can't believe that you are so stupid." he drawls.

I brace myself for the worst.

But instead, he starts to walk away.

And that is when the Amity serum starts to wear off. And we all know what happens when the Amity serum wears off.

We get angry.

And when this happens to me, I also get EXTRA sassy.

I clench my fists as tight as I can, but I still can't control the anger completely.

He turns around just as I start to clench my fists, and he sees it.

This is going to be bad for me, I can just feel it already.

"You need to control that anger, eh?"

"I dunno. Do you?"

He flares up.

Shoot. I think. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. That was definitely the wrong thing to say.

Not my fault I have a sassy tounge that just happens to roll words out of my mouth all the time.

He stops for a moment thinking to himself.

This isn't good. I think to myself. This is going to be horrible.

He grabs me by the wrist and flings me to the wall. Once he reaches me, he starts repeatedly punching me over and over again. I can't let this stupid stiff beat me up.

So I reach out and slap his face. Bad idea. He then undoes his belt, and raises it above his head.

Before I knew it, the buckle of the belt, as long with the rest of it, comes crashing down onto my back.

He hurls more insults back, me still trying to fight the pain off, I can't let him think I am a weakling. But one thing he said will stick in my head forever. I couldn't quite hear what it was though, because at that point, I was falling unconsious. But I remember him saying:


And like that, I am out like a light.

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