Part 14

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Once again, I sat in my window sill staring at the night sky with all the stars. I admired the stars and the moon, their glow of white providing a beautiful contrast against the black sky. "Cho~" Jihoo called to me as I felt his arms wrap around me, with his chin rested on my shoulder. "Do you think Junpyo and Junhee will get everything sorted out?" I asked. Jihoo sighed. "I don't know to be honest, that witch is hard of understanding." Jihoo said to me. "I'm scared" I mumbled. "Don't be, I'm here to protect you" Jihoo reassured me. I thought for a second. "S-Sunbae" I looked up at Jihoo who looked to me. "Yes?" "Could you stay in here for tonight? I don't want to be alone...." He smiled and nodded at me. "Of course"

Guards chased me but I couldn't move. "KYL heir!" The guards yelled. "I gave you a warning, now I get revenge" Heesoo's voice haunted me. "What did I do?" I asked in fear. I looked around and saw Jihoo on the ground in pain, blood pooling around him. "S-Sunbae!" I called to him still unable to move. Jihoo looked up to me. "Cho......Cho..." his voice echoed "Sunbae!" "Cho!" My eyes shot open and found Jihoo shaking me awake. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I was sleeping?" I asked. "Yeah you were yelling 'Sunbae' and crying, it woke me up" he said then got off the bed. "Sunbae..." "yes Cho?" My face flushed red. "Could you hold me as I sleep rather than sleep on the floor?" I asked shyly. Jihoo smiled and got under the covers with me and snaked his arms around my body. "Go to sleep, I'm right here" I nodded and closed my eyes slowly dosing off. Before I was completely asleep I felt a pair of lips plant a kiss on my forehead. "Sleep well, my Cho" Jihoo whispered.

Guardian Angel: F4 Yoon Jihoo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now