✈ xvi.

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[ LOCAL TIME 14:13 ]

The world outside the airport is quite the blur, and I mean that as literally as I can. Along the sidewalks and on the street signs and even covering benches and parked cars was the faint sight of snow, which was the direct cause of all this madness in the first place. Of course, anything mixed in with a thunderstorm that takes down the city's primary electrical system is bound to be collateral damage, but I wasn't exactly complaining. Or, well. Maybe I am? I mean it did trap me in an elevator for several hours.

I look past the semi-fogged ambulance windows to Sabrina, whose head rests back on the stretcher. She takes deep breaths through a breathing mask, which was hooked up to the ambulance's main oxygen source.

"Are you sure you don't want to be seen?" The paramedic questions from the other side of the ambulance. "It's on the city's dime, remember? They don't want  you kids to sue them, or something."

I shrug. "If someone brings me a hamburger I'd be more than happy," I reply, attempting to slip my finger's into Sabrina's hand, but she moves away.

The paramedic nods. "If we can make that two," He starts, in reference to himself. "I'd be more than happy to arrange that."

I give the paramedic a faint smile and continue to stare out the window, knowing that nothing I can ask Sabrina in this moment would satisfy me. In all honesty, I thought we had something. I don't believe in love at first sight, because that would be crazy, but for some reason I felt this strange connection with her. I mean, she's witty and smart and beautiful -- and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I thought that her and I having the same flight to Boston meant something, but if she's going to stay in the airport until tomorrow morning there's nothing I can say to her to make her change her mind.

Seeing the hospital sign in my line of view, I grab Sabrina's hand and hold it firmly in mine. I look up into her eyes, and she starts to remove her mask to say something, but I quickly shake my head and tell her not to.

"I just want you to know that whatever you decide - if you want to go to Boston and take a connecting flight or wait until the morning and go directly to New York - that I will understand. I can't ask you to go with me because I know you have to do what's best for you, but, for what it's worth, it would mean the world to me if you did."

[- ✈ -]

If you guys didn't catch it, I switched things up. Part 2 will be told from Nathan's point of view :)

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