✈ xxi.

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[ LOCAL TIME 19:44 ]

The only sound that resinates between Sabrina and I is the general sound of the airplane as it braces the storms around us. Knowing that the sight of rain alone was enough to freak the two of us out even more, I closed the window long ago and currently rest my head against it.

When I look over, Sabrina's head is slumped to the side towards me and her blonde hair is a tangled mess that is partly caught in the wire of her earbuds. Since I knew she was still awake, I try not to stare for too long, but it's almost impossible not to.

And of course, she catches me.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" She questions, removing her earbuds from her ears and her tangled mess of blonde hair.

Do I? I think about the question in my head for a while and try to formulate a response, but when I don't respond right away she breaks the silence.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just wondering."

I shake my head and offer her a small smile, knowing what I say next won't satisfy her question. "I think I have to," I start. "After every person who left after saying they'd stay, after every unanswered text and sleepless night, I have to believe that all of that was leading up to something better. I have to believe that I'm supposed to wait for the person who's been waiting for me too. So yeah, I believe in soulmates. I believe that there's someone that will make me realize why it never worked with anyone else."

She stares at me for a moment with her mouth open, trying to find words to reply to what I just said. I've always thought about soulmates, and that's honestly the only reason I could think of to keep me going. There has to be a reason why things don't work out with just anyone. It takes something special, something out of everyone's control, that makes these things work and I like to think that maybe I'm on the right track with my ideology.

"-And maybe the universe fights for souls to be together, too," I add as the plane shakes uncomfortably and all the seatbelt and warning lights flash on the overhead columns.

[- ✈ -]

External link is the quote's author. It was too beautiful to leave out of this chapter.

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