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"Let me warn you, one day you'll come across a soul that will consume every inch of your being. They'll make you want to stay up late just to hear the sound of their voice. They'll make you want to sneak out to go see them. They'll consume you. Every thing they've said to you will race in your mind and there is no way to stop it. You'll over analyze every part of them, every freckle on their skin, each scar on their body, you'll depict the slightest change in their tone of voice. Hold onto them, keep them around whether you're together or not. But I'm warning you if they do leave you, stay strong and fight. Fight because every time they enter your mind your whole being will threaten to shatter. Anytime you catch a glimpse of them your body may tremble because I know mine did. You may find yourself gasping for air in between hysterical crying episodes, or unable to sleep as you stare at the patterns left on the walls from the moon shining in the window with them on your mind. You'll still be able to smell them and feel their touch. You'll remember every thing they did for you, but I will promise you one thing. It all gets better. I know that's something that you'll never believe when you find their shirt at the bottom of your hamper just when you thought you were getting stronger. Or when you catch them staring at you. Or when all of the memories haunt you of finding cats in corners and giving your body to them for the first time. I know that you think you won't ever heal because that was me. But I healed and darling you can too. So keep your head up and smile. Them seeing you happy will hurt them more than you think, and you deserve so much better. You'll find someone that will treat you right because heaven knows I did. So everyday do what makes you happy, do what you need to in order to get you through this darkness, and I promise you will heal. Take a deep breath, pray, do whatever helps heal you, but don't become afraid of love. I'm warning you, you'll find a soul that will consume every inch of your being, but they'll find you too"

pen-to-paper-bm (via Tumblr)

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Hey everyone! It's me. I know part three was just a few short chapters ago, but I needed to change the POV's so here we are. From here forward, I'm going to drop the military time and do time since the last chapter (it'll make more sense when you see it). There's only a little bit left of this story and before I wrap up, I just wanted to express how thankful I was for everyone who's clicked on this story and read on. It means so much to me, and I totally wouldn't mind if you checked out some of my other works while you're waiting for updates.

Oh, and when this story wraps up I'll be doing a small writing contest where you can get your stuff published at the end of this so definitely stay tuned for that!

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