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Hey everyone! Just wanted to post a quick note on all of my active stories so nobody thinks that I've disappeared or anything. This next month is going to be chaotic for me, and by the way things look updates are going to be tricky but not completely impossible. This week I'm testing for my state license so I can be an EMT, and studying for that has been draining the life out of me. I'm also going to be taking my pre-nursing entrance exam so I can try to get into nursing school, which is coming up in a few weeks. After that, I'm preparing to move into my new apartment and then university will be starting up again not too long after that. Unfortunately, I've posted all of the stock chapters I've had written, so anything that is posted after this will be the small amount of spare time I've found. Once this month is over I promise things will be back to normal, just be patient with me :) I'll still be active every once in a while to read comments and respond to messages.

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