Chapter 4:Pranked

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Saturday Afternoon;
Chance's Pov:
Chance:"Hey Tessa want to go to the store with me?I want to get a few things."I chickened out.I was going to ask her out but I froze.I was nervous.I needed to be man and ask her.Maybe in her birthday night which is next Friday.I ordered a uber and we went to Target.I pushed a cart with her in it like last time.I think it's different now that I know my feelings for her are real.As I pushed her a felt a connection.I loved how a sparkle in her eye appears when I look at her.We decided we would do a revenge prank on Jake for Tessa's channel.I don't t know what we are going to do.Maybe we are going to have Logan come over and trash his room or do something to his car.
Tessa's Pov:
I really thought he was going to ask me out but I guess he chickened out,I find that cute.He invited me to go to the store.He pushed me while I was in a cart once again.It was special this time because I felt something special.We decided to do a revenge prank on Jake for my channel.I think we should put hair dye in his shampoo."Hey Chance we should put hair dye in Jake's shampoo!" I said.
Chance:"Woah that's a cool idea.We should do that." We grabbed pink hair spray that lasts for one day and some snacks.There is a Theater across the street maybe we can catch a movie maybe I'll ask him."Hey wanna go-"we said at the same time."You go first."I said
Chance:"Wanna go to the movies?"
"Sure."I replied. We went to the movie theater.Chance picked the movie I have no idea what movie we are watching.We sat in our seats and I asked him what movie we are going to watch.
Chance;"Umm.. some scary movie but I forgot what's it called."
"I don't like scary movies.."I said
Chance;"Its okay I'm right here."He said as he put his arm around me.I felt warm and safe in his arms.We watched a movie and in some parts I got scared I put my head on his chest."It's okay Tessa."He said then he would hug me.After the movie we went home.
(At the Team 10 house)
We decided we will prank him today.Chance,Anthony and Jake are going to the gym so Jake will shower.
Jake:"Where have you two been?"
Chance:"At the store and what are you up to?"
I went upstairs stairs and I was hanging out with Ericka and Nick.We were talking about this funny video Nick showed us.
Chance's Pov:We were going to prank Jake by putting color hairspray in his shampoo.The Ohio squad went to the gym.After an hour I texted Tessa that we are almost going home so she can put the hairspray in his shampoo.
(T is Tessa and C is Chance)
C-we are almost home
T-okay lemme go do the spray thing
Jake-"Who are you texting?"
"Nobody."I said
I deleted the texts just in case he takes my phone.He grabbed me and got my phone.
Jake:"Oooo Tessa! So, do you like her?"
"Bro."I said
Jake:"Tell me Chance!I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Okay I do,but don't tell anyone."
Jake:"Okay I won't.Ooo Chance like Tessa!"
"Bro!"I yelled
Jake:"Sorry,I won't tell anyone in Team 10."
Tessa's Pov;
Chance texted me that they will be home soon.So I grabbed the hair spray and walked into his bedroom.I grabbed his shampoo and put the hair spray in it.I decided I would take it a next level and put kool-aid powder in the shower head so when you open the water,kool-aid will come out.I heard the front door open and I heard Jake scream.
Jake:"Im home!"
I quickly cleaned up and ran into my room.I went out and saw Jake go into his room.I met up with Chance and told him what else I did. We laughed and went into his room.I asked Chance to record it because I didn't want to see to Jake naked.I heard him turn on the water.He notice the water until he put on his shampoo.
Jake:"Oh my god.Why is this red?"
He washed the shampoo off and got out of the shower with a towel on.We came in and yelled ,"Ahh we got you!" We laughed as Jake realized he had pink hair.
Jake:"Oh my gosh I'm going to get you guys back." He chased us downstairs and we all laughed.I high fived Chance.We went into our room and Chance took a shower.
Chance's Pov:
Our prank went very well.Jake chased us.It was so funny his reaction was priceless.We went into our room and I took a shower.I saw Tessa still awake we had a conversation about our day and we slowly fell asleep...
Jakes Pov:
Chance and Tessa pranked me.They think they could prank the master!Nope.I decided I would prank them back because it's prank wars now. I decided I would set them up to think they had sex.I will put Tessa on Chance's bed and I will open a condom and leave next to Chance.I'all put a secret camera in their room.I did prank and went to sleep.
(The Next morning)
Tessa's Pov:
I woke up on Chance's bed.Why am I here?I saw Chance wake up and saw a condom.OMG!!

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