Chapter 32:Chance's Plan

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/////A year later and Tessa moved back to team 10.Chance and Tessa stayed together and had more romantic nights.;) Chessa are madly in love with each other.Everything is basically the same and Chance has an idea.And Jerika is real,and they love each other but not as much as chessa.🤔/////
Chance's Pov:
I love Tessa so much.Shes my world!
She lights up my world not matter how dark it is.And I want to spend the rest of my life with her.We have been together for almost 2 years,and I know that I love her soo much.Im going to ask the boys to help me prepare a setting,so then I can propose to her.I head downstairs and see everyone in the office even Tess."Ohioooo!!!Side bar chat please!"I said
"Ohio!"Jake and Anthony said
They walked to the backyard so we can chat."So guys,I want to propose I Tessa."I said
"Noo way."Jake said
"That's dope!We will help you!"Anthony said
"Thanks guys!So I want to go ring shopping today,so we will tell her that we are going paint balling or something."I explained
"Dope."Jake said
We walked into the office and I greeted everyone.I walked over Tessa and gave her a hug."Hey beautiful!" I said
"Hey,how's your day?"She asked
"Better that I'm with u."I said
Team 10 started to awe and we told team 10 we were going out.We hopped on Jake's car and went to Pandora.And I found the most beautiful engagement ring:

And I found the most beautiful engagement ring:

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She's going to love it.I ordered the ring,they said it was going to take two weeks.I paid for it and got a receipt.We only took an hour and a half,so the squad decided to go do some "manly"things.

Tessa's Pov:
Since Chance left with the Ohio squad,I'm gonna hang out with Tristan,Erika,Nick,and Erika.
We drove to the Ralph's and played around.We ended up buying nothing but it was fun.Tristan and I were playing with some balls they sell there and I Snapchatted it."Hahah Tessels!Im going to win!"Tristan said as he threw the ball far.It was pretty far but I caught it.We were joking around and ended up getting kicked out.😂😂
"Who wants to get fro-yoooo!?!"I asked
"Mee!"Ericka said
We drove to Yogurtland and I served myself a huge swirl of yogurt.We all paid and sat in some seats outside.After fro-yo we went back to the team 10 house and chilled.

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