Sarah is more than satisfied with how her life was. A stable job, a great salary.
But it all changed when she met Ethan William. The devil himself. He was a ruthless billionaire and always wanted the best. A player and a winner. And he always get...
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He gets jealous because he is afraid that someone is going to make her happier than he does.
~ Anonymous
Ethan's POV
"Grazie,Siamo davvero lieti di lavorare con la vostra azienda" I reply to our company's investors from Italy.
{Translation- Thank you, We are really looking forward to working with your company}
Hanging up my phone, I take a look at the files on my desk. It has sure been a long day but I am finally done with my work. All those meetings today were very tiring but that's not the only thing that's bothering me.
Ever since Zach's here, things have started to get difficult. Sarah keeps on wasting her time with him, and I personally do not think that he could even come close to becoming a businessman.
Just because he belongs to a family of businessmen, doesn't make him efficient to become one. I don't think that he is even trying. He just walks around the office flirting with Sarah. It's not that I am jealous- of course, I can't possibly be. There are certain ground rules to be followed and Zach doesnt give a damn about them.
And of course, Sarah. This would not be the first time that she has done something that ticks me off. She is a constant headache.
With a sigh I pick up my phone and leave my office. As I reach for the door, I can see Sarah leaving with Zach.
"Where are you going?" I ask her rather too abruptly.
"I was just leaving. I have prepared the documents for Mr. Roberto."
"Sarah was going to show me around, since she is finally free from all your bossing around." Zach jokes. I can see Sarah smile from the corner of my eyes.
"Well, Sarah works for me. I think that justifies bossing around." I say with clenched teeth. If he wasn't my cousin, I would have probably told him to leave right away. If only I hadn't promised uncle that I would train him.
"Jeez, calm down. I was just joking." Zach smirks.
"What about Kingsmarque?" I ask Sarah ignoring Zach.
"What about it?" she asks knotting her eyebrows.
"The non-disclosure agreement?" I remarked.
"But we haven't got the deal yet." She replies confused.
"But we have a meeting next week." I answered. I couldn't think of any other excuse. Zach was a bad influence on her. She surely shouldn't be spending a lot of time with him during work hours and out of work is a big no.
"Um..we might not get the deal. The Kingsmarque fund is just blue money. Why prepare the documents? Even if we get the deal, it would be next week. I can do it tomorrow." She stated, clearly aggravated.
"Your lack of optimism and abundance of laziness is really harmful for the company. You see Zach, this is the kind of behavior that you shouldn't show. Add that to the list of things you learnt." I asserted pointing at Sarah while she bubbles with anger.
"It's okay. We get it." Zach sighs.
"Get what?" I ask him.
"I know I haven't been the best of students, but you don't have to let off your anger at her. Its ok Sarah, you can stay and take care of the documents. We can have dinner some other day." He flashes a smile at Sarah who returns an apologetic smile.
"See you later." He grinned, finally leaving us alone.
"I need the certification of agreement and the Kingsmarque files." Sarah mentioned in a monotone and looked at me almost emotionless.
"In my office." I said as she sprints to the office without looking back. I follow her inside. As she checks the drawers, I take a seat on my chair. She finds the files and keeps it on the table and starts to flip through the pages.
"You can take a seat you know. It can take a while." I state.
"No, thank you." She replies in a monotone. It is seriously irritating seeing her lack of reaction.
"You don't need to complete it today. You can take your time." I say. I don't like seeing her this way. It is really annoying.
"Oh no! I'll do it today. You'll be surprised to see my lack of laziness and abundance of optimism." She stated with a fake smile.
"Can you quit it and be more professional?" I say clearly displeased.
"Be more professional?" She scoffs finally looking away from the files. "I work here from 6 in the morning to 10 at night! Somedays, you decide that it isn't long enough and decide to keep me here until late at night. You get pissed off at the smallest of things and shout at people for no reason. I think its completely clear who isn't professional here." She shouts.
"I treat everyone here the same. If they do a mistake, its my job to scold them. They take it as constructive criticism. It would be best if you do that too, instead of whining like a child." I replied keeping my calm.
"Constructive criticism? What part of 'you lack optimism and have plenty of laziness' sounds like constructive criticism to you?" She speaks emphasizing on what I said to her earlier.
"You were putting off important tasks for later." I retort back. Standing up from my seat. I look at her taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. She always does that when she gets angry.
"I have a life apart from work too. I have friends and would really like to go out have fun, date guys and live my life for a change." She said looking at me.
I clenched my fist to suppress the anger inside of me formed on hearing that she wants to date Zach. "You can't date Zach." I said through clenched teeth unconsciously inching closer to her.
"I can date whoever I want." She retorts back coming closer in an attempt to intimidate me. But of course in vain.
"What makes you think that he will like you? He spends time with models and actresses. You are just a way for him to pass his time here." I enunciated.
"You might me confusing him with yourself." She responded, her words laced with hatred.