Moment 3- Hospital trip.

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IMPORTANT------ note.




There is no '3d combat competition' ever mentioned anywhere in the Star Trek series, movies or anywhere else for that matter. I just thought that like today, schools have football and team sports, that 3D combat would be sort of like team sports are in colleges today.

There is going to be a mini series all about the Federation 3D combat Competition later on.

James T. Kirk POV.

The second and third years came in, and as the selections for an elite team began, I shuddered. Right off, 'The white-haired girl' was up against one of the toughest fighters.

This team was being put together for the 3D Combat team.

A special contest with a few other combat schools and corporations around the known federation. It wasn't specifically just about physical strength.

Every year, the battleground where the tournament took place was always somehow hackable. There was always some way to use technical skills, and that....


We needed more of that.

He (the challenger) had tough dark-tanned skin, flaky, so it seemed like he was about to start shedding. He towered tall above the smaller girl.

"Hey, kid, it would be easier to just give up." The monster grinned. His name was Davis, and he was known for his outstanding fights. Even though it was supposed to be a friendly, he rubbed his knuckles together, lunging at the smaller 14-year-old.

Since the first Week, I had watched her excel. Armed with nothing except her intellect, she had trained herself in fighting. With no strict discipline, she was able to become faster, better and stronger by herself, with no help. In technical fights, she was always on top, fixing detonation subroutines which would have taken me hours....

In minutes.

But her physical skill left much to be desired.

I watched as she swiftly dodged moving to the side to avoid his huge frame rushing down onto her. As he moved. Forward again, finally stopping his own momentum, his eyes widened, and his smirk dissapeared.

"Lucky b...." Davis muttered, getting back in this stance. The girl stood, straight up, like nothing had happened. The tall male lunged faking to the right, before trying to smack her abdominal muscle with his left fist, but as his fist made contact, the white haired girl was left winded, sputtering, with a blow in her which would have left anyone stumbling to the ground.

But her grey eyes pierced her opponents soul, a thin trickle of blood running over the side of her lip.

Who was this girl?

Then, as he was waiting to regain complete balance, Davis felt something loop around his neck. As he had had his back turned to her, his opponent had jumped up, and to everyone's surprise, used her momentum to loop her arm around davis's neck, pulling his head to the side.

Ahhh.... So she had seen his weakness.

Combined with his lack of balance, extra side movement made his form fall.

It was truly spectacular, watching a small girl stand over a fallen giant, who just sat, shocked.

She turned her back to him, and before anyone could stop him, Davis reached forward, throwing his entire weight onto her left foot. There was a sickening crack, and a sharp intake of air, as the girl turned, burrowing the heel of her other shoe deep, deep into her attacker's face, leaving his nose spewing blood.

He let go of her, making a show of the blood stream flooding from his face, and as he turned to call the coach, the girls foot slammed into his face again, before he could utter a sound, resulting in a second crack resounding from the duo.

This caught Pike's attention, and he turned to one hell of a sight.

On the ground, Davis was sputtering, his nose spewing blood, with the Small white-haired girl leaning off of her bloody left foot, a grimace fighting to stay from her face.

That was when I first saw her, the white-haired girl known as Kaisar.

Katerina Kaisar, the genius, was in my combat class.

There were countless rumors to her existence at Starfleet, no one really knew anything about her, and if anything, I wanted to know more.

I turned to Bones, and he shook his head, "her ankle's broken, and so is his nose." He said with a smile.

And it was.


The two of them were ordered to the infirmaries, and she collapsed as soon as her small frame came out of the door, there was a soft "plonk" as she fell, leaving pike to check the hall.

Scooping the small girl up in his arms, Pike left the class with simple instructions.

Let me paraphrase: "One bad word from the other instructors in the building, and we would all be dead by dinner."

None of us questioned him, going through movements, and learning new holds on our partners.

Now, why was a grade-schooler in the Starfleet academy? My mind floated, and brotherly instincts kicked in.

"Is she gonna be ok?" I asked, McCoy standing by my side.

"I don't know, but I like her." McCoy answered, placing me into a headlock from behind, flipping me over his back, collapsing me onto my back.

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