Story prt. 6 The death

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60 seconds remaining.

Blood ran like water down my arm, trailing down my index finger. A buzz was all that was left of my pain, the world tumbled in my head, black almost consuming my vision completely.

55 seconds remaining.

My eyes snapped open,

Bloody fingers dripping blood all over the keys, flashes of vision. I pulled up a view of the ship.

Shakily, using my hacked transmission pathway I Opened a second attempt at a hail to the starship enterprise.

They recieved.

"This is Captain Kirk."

I allowed for facial viewpoint engagement.

"C-captain." My voice was ragged, my breathing diminishing with every second.

"Nero's dead." I said, sensing the somber silence from the enterprise. No one celebrated.

"I'm going to send you a data package of all the information about the parallel universe there is on the vessel." I used the red-stained keyboard to crash upload all files into an empty database.

With one of my final breaths, I minimized the view of the bridge. I could see them all, Kirk, Spock, chekov, sulu, Uhura even the good doctor was on the bridge.

The viewport filled up with the view of the stars.

30 seconds remaining.

On the same database, I uploaded a song. A personal favorite, embellished within several layers of code and security for our favorite Scotty... Well and kirk. Despite kirk's pretty boy appearance, he was a pretty good hacker.

An old classic- the only surviving piece of music from the record era- before the eugenics wars-

Back in Black by AC/DC

Then I initiated the final piece of the puzzle through the thinning connection. These were my friends. I wad not going to die alone in space. My final words could be heard.

" Now that I have to say something- , its so hard to come up with the right words."

Nyoya was shaking in slow, silent sobs at her communications station, sulu looked close to wanting to tear through space and dust to murder someone. Jim was standing up in front of his chair- white knuckling his fists. Clutching them as hard as he could. Spock was as white as a sheet. And Checkov- oh Checkov. Pavel had his fingers splayed over his face looking up at me through hastily brushed away tears.

"To the well organized mind- death is but the next great adventure." I paused. "This all sounds a bit too ordinary for my tastes, but none the less, its probably going to be the only reasonable thing ive ever said." A small inadvertent tear left the edge of my left eye. "There are no other people but you who I wanted to see last. I like to think that I have a well organized mind-" I paused, looking at each of them. "To pretend that what's going through my head right now isn't regret- and that death doesnt scare me, particularly, but really I can't say exactly the right words before I die.

I paused.

"But at the very least, it was one hell of a ride, wasn't it."

These people had changed me. In that short 5 day window. Who said change was a bad thing obviously never had to deal with the possibility of the destruction of 2 major civilizations in one day.

I gave my best smirk, and a final mocking left-handed salute. Sitting back in the Andorran future version of a command chair, I stared out at the stars of the universe, feeling the start up of foreign machinery hmmm around me, a corpse to my left.

I coughed up a small splatter of blood, finding my pre-recorded message for Pavel to be sent to his private quarters in 10 minutes.

I finished formatting Pavel's private message, the undertone of my words lingering to the bridge crew through the spotty communication.

4 seconds remaining.

My voice was almost a whisper as I spoke, blood dribbling out of the gaping wounds all over my body.

"Thank you."

my eyes shut, a final view of the stars seared into my eyes as they closed for the final time. My last moments were spent in silence with the bridge crew of the USS Enterprise.

3 seconds remaining.


2 seconds remaining.

The yells diminished, everything was mute.

1 second remaining.

"Katerina, I love you."

Self destruct initiated.

There was bright white, and felt the shell of the already demolished spaceship fall away, Into the darkness of the cosmos. There was heat, burning white heat, and the sound of metal tearing apart.

I took one last breath...

And my heart stopped.

And then, well...

Then, everything was still.

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