Ch. 8 the interviews

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At the end of it all, what had it boiled down to? A suit, black tie, grey jacket, asking Captain Kirk questions.

It was a long half hour, filled with endless monotone questions, and Kirk's (slightly sarcastic when possible) but mostly serious, glaring answers.

Then, it came. The last question.

that one question that brought slight water to his eyes, making him tsk, turning away from the lined, ognorant face behind the question.

"How do you wish to comment about the death of the only bridge crew member, during the Narada incident." The suit asked, the screen in front of him illuminating his stoic expression, and cold unfeeling eyes.

"The 'only bridge crew member' has -had a name. Katerina Kaisar." Kirk steeled his eyes. "She made a sacrifice to save us all."

"She was seventeen." He looked at the suit. "Seventeen! Don't you suits feel anything, ever?!" Kirk was in outrage, mad at himself, the world and the alternate universe that Nero came from.... For killing all those people,

And Kaisar.



"How do you wish to comment about the death of the only bridge crew member, during the Narada incident."

"Kaisar was an admirable teammate." Spock, for once was lost for words.

"She, as her death became eminent, keyed in a self destruct sequence that saved the ship from being further used against the federation by Nero's crew." She did this as well a to prevent the klingon's discovery of the ship. And further destructive possibilities stemming from recovery of the ship. Future technologies- the impact that could be made upon this universe if impacted by future technologies.

Spock had nothing more to add.... No, he simply couldn't add anything more.


Uhura and Sulu.

"How do you wish to comment about the death of the only bridge crew member, during the Narada incident."

The responses were censored due to the excessive and eloquent use of curses that could be considered illegal on several planets.


"How do you wish to comment about the death of the only bridge crew member, during the Narada incident."

"Katerina?" McCoy rubbed his eyes, bringing his fingers together over his temples, moving them to the bridge of his nose. "That difficult brat... She just had to go and take the self sacrificial..."

"She was a good kid."



"How do you wish to comment about the death of the only bridge crew member, during the Narada incident."

Pavel's face blanched, whiter than it had ever been before, and he placed his elbows of the cold metal table, burying his face in his arms.

Pasha hid his watery eyes from the questionnaire.

Why this question?

"Katerina Kaisar...." Pavel tried to speak, but no words came out. "She...."

"I loved her."


In all the federation-led interviews, the suits opposite the Enterprise Starfleet bridge officers stood.

"What if I told you that Katerina Vincent Kaisar was still alive?"

"What if I told you that Katerina Vincent Kaisar was still alive?"

"What if I told you that Katerina Vincent Kaisar was still alive?"

And halfway across the galaxy, a head of white hair lay in contrast to a black command chair, Katerina's mouth curved in a slight smirk.

Stretching her fingers, instead of a black Starfleet undershirt sitting on her shoulders, a crisp white one was perched, identical in every way but colour to its black counterpart.

It matched her even starker white hair.

Her grin scarred her face as she took out her old flash drive, smiling at the hole in the middle.

It had been made with future Andorran weaponry.

Inside of the strategist, 98% of her AB blood had been replaced, her bones regrown, her mind re-sewn together, the neurons carefully re-stitched together in their earlier pattern, by a machine.

She was, in all respects, a new Katerina Vincent Kaisar.

And her death date was January 9, star date 2258.

All of the information from the future ship from the Nero incident was now in her mind.

All in all...

Who had Kaisar, had control over this dimension.

But Kaisar. Well, you should know by now that she never made any thing simple.

Katerina Kaisar had, after being brought to life in a joint andorrian, Vulcan, and Terran collection of physical and telepathic treatments...

Betrayed starfleet.

After all, piracy was SO much more fun.

And which ship better to assign to her recollection than the U.S.S. Enterprise?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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