Story pt.2 Destruction.

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I stood up behind my console.

Suddenly there was complete silence. All eyes were on me, and even Kirk had stopped struggling.

"I agree with Kirk, for once the idiot has a gist of what's about to happen." I looked at him, his jaw hanging open. "While you were bickering, I came up with a final idea of what's waiting for us on Vulcan."

Kirk seemed to get his legs under him, and he managed to spitter out: "you have that PSYCOPATH on board this ship?"

I continued, throwing him a glare. "I do think that there are Romulans at the end of our warp, but what is the chance that the same anomaly is happening in the same spacial sector without any of the same after effects, is unreasonable. "

Sitting down, I touched my fingertips together.

"I predict that all other ships have been destroyed, and we will be met with a machine that we could only dream of. "

I let my words sink in.

"We should ready all photons, but I can't guarantee that even those will be enough."

Swiveling in my chair to look at Spock, I looked into his eyes.

"Seismic activity? I guarantee that something big is about to happen to your planet, I suggest starting evacuations now."

Spock simply stared,squinting slightly at my too-calm demeanor, before his lips pared, and he looked back to the viewport. "there would have been a message, a transmission of some sort." He stated.

"Ending warp in 10"

Sulu began the countdown.

"There are no transmissions because there is no one to transmit them!" I said, temperament rising in my head. But my voice stayed even.








I saw Pike's expression realize my point, and he ordered all shields up the moment we finish warp.



The moment our warp ended, we fell into a field of debris. Sure enough, all that was left of the envoy was dust, sheet metal, and scraps.

And through the wreckage, was a ship. Emanating a dark green glow, the ship branched in two directions, like a morose tree, a single spin drill hanging down from her side, burrowing into the beautiful sand-planet below.

"Sulu, evasive maneuvers. Now!"

"Yes sir." A huge block of debris sailed across our hull, scraping it slightly. But not too much.

I spun around in my spiny chair, fooling around. Not the best time to do this, but hey. I might die today, let me have some fun.

"They've armed torpedoes, our shields won't hold against more than 3 of those, sir."

"Two will be our maximum, actually." I said, turning forward in my chair again. "A third, and BOOM!" I made a strange exploding motion in my hands, imitating an explosion in space.

Yes, I know... My amazing sense of humor classified me as a psychopath in Kirk's world.

'Veit... Veit, zhey are Hailing us!" Chekov said, turning to the captain and upon receiving approval, opened the frequency.

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