Story part 5.5

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Coming to, wrenching my eyes out of the haze that accompanied blood loss.

How long had I been out?

I tried opening a hail to the enterprise, only to be met with a resounding static transmission. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a quick drive. Something I always kept on me, no matter what time, day, month, or year it was.

Programs were such amazing things.

Using the wireless transmission, I pushed through to the enterprise.

Hey, what I was doing was illegal, but I was down to the last -- I checked the red glowing clocks that flashed over every single console aboard the Narada.

6 minutes of my life.

The program was unbeatable, there was no way around it. I had run through every single option, no combination keeping both myself and the enterprise operational. I owed them at least that much. McCoy, who stitched me up. Kirk who annoyed me endlessly, and called me a psychopath at every possible moment. Sulu who left the 'parking brake' on. Uhura who slapped me for being inhumane. Spock who ALSO slapped me for being inhumane.

And chekov. Pavel Andreyevich chekov.

He was the main reason. I owed him.

The little Russian ray of sunshine. Infuriatingly, he made me Act like a Complete idiot.

But I owed him.

For falling in love with me....

Or was it for making me fall in love with him?

No matter. I wanted the last faces I saw to be that of the USS Enterprise. Not Nero's. That was one victory I couldn't let him have.


Through the keystroke filled haze, I finished the transmission channel. My fingers hovered over (probably) the final contact I would have before my death.

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