Chapter 2: Gunshots

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I really like her, I am going to ask her out again, rings in my ear.

Let's just say, I can read minds and I know what people think and what goes inside of their brain. It's weird, I know, but knowing who's your real friend or who likes you or not, really comes in handy. In this case, I am glad he likes me because... I like him too.

I study the movie again, resting my hands on my lower thigh, close to my knee. My urge to look at him breaks my trance and I take a peek at him. His hands are conveniently resting on his knees too. His face beams as he watches the movie. My hand stretch their way closer to his hand as if they had their own mind. She has her hand on her knee, do I reach in... ? I am going to reach for it, comes at me with an echo. Before I know it, our fingers make contact and our wrapped around one another's. A big grin appears on my face, making a bigger one appear on his.

A scream escapes through the booming speakers. I snap my head to the direction as I see a teenager getting chased by a serial killer. Another high-pitched scream escapes out of her mouth again. I tilt my head a little, and continue to watch the horror movie.

Heat radiates off of our hands that are clamped together. In a way, holding hands is kinda reassuring, that he will be here when the worst happens. But i didn't know it would be tonight.

A gunshot vibrates all around the room. A ringing sound comes into my ear. This gunshot is close. As I come to my senses. Jaxon and I both stand up, ready for what may come. Luckily for me, I have a black belt and I know what I have to do.

My dad he also has a superpower, but my mom doesn't. My mom died trying to protect me from the people who call themselves the Spider. It may be a stupid name -which it is-, but they name themselves the Spider because they really are like a spider. They are everywhere but they are unnoticed and very sneaky. Like some spiders, they are harmless but others they are deadly and dangerous. They have tattoos on their backs, where it is rarely seen. Instead of having eyes everywhere, they have ears, they hear everything. They have been hunting me and my father down ever since I was born, trying to 'test' me. They want to know how we got our powers and use it to 'bless' themselves with our gifts. Or they will kill us, not wanting any 'aliens' on this planet. But I thought I was safe tonight, safe from what beholds.

I stand in front of Jaxon, I will do anything to protect him. It's the least I can do, I should have never brought him here. Guilt pains me in my chest, as does regret. The shots get closer to the theater room, which either people are dieing or they are just trying to scare us, which is working. I grab Jaxon's hand and try to tug him toward the emergency exit. I have to get him out of here!

What the hell is going on? Jaxon's voice echoes in my head, his voice confused, nervous, scared. I can only read minds when I want to and Jaxon is all I really care about right now, he needs to get to safety. I don't want him to die because of something dumb I did.

Cries and screams abrupt throughout the room, making it grow even louder. I sprint to the door with Jaxon, running along with innocent citizens trying to get out alive, like us. Curious takes over me, I turn my head to to see if I know who's doing all this commotion. Two, who I suppose who are men, arrive wearing nothing but black. The black ski mask blocks the men's faces, not letting me know who's causing this destruction. The men's eyes float throughout the room, till they land on me. A grin tugs at the man's mouth as I dramatically go faster, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

That must have been... the Spider! I have to leave, NOW!

My feet pick up speed, soon enough I have to slow down just to stay with Jaxon. We hop down the stairs, skipping a few steps at a time.I steady myself on the last step, re grabbing my grip on Jaxon's upper arm. We lunge through the EXIT sign with other people.

I breath a sigh of relief as the cold, bitter air welcomes us. The adrenaline that was pumping through my veins has now left. I put my hands on my knees and take slow deep breaths- and not shallow breaths- calming me down. I learned this in class, they taught us how to remain calm, react in situations, like these, and take control. I take my last deep breath and slowly let it out. I hear Jaxon copying what I did.

He turns towards me,"Do you have any clue what the hell is going on?"

I bite my cheek, should I tell him? Both sides of me fight against one another, deciding, my decision. I need to tell him. But not here, where the Spider can hear. "I have good idea and I will tell you, but not here, they may be listening."

"Then were do we go?" looking at me doubtfully.

"Somewhere safe, you drive and I will give directions...?" I ask, questioning my decision.

He looks at me with disbelief, and has a concentrated face on as if he's solving a serious math problem. He releases his breath,"Yeah, let's go before the come out."

We run to his car that has been waiting for us. We get into his car, he starts it, growling. I look out the window, queasy and nervous. I chew on my bottom lip and my leg starts to vibrating up and down. He speeds off into no particular direction.

I give him directions to my dad's house, the only other person who would know what to do.



Hey guys, I know this is dumb and I am no big shot but I wanted to say that I will try and post every Sunday and Wednesday. And if you like it don't forget to comment and vote and that other juicy stuff ;) Also if you don't mind (XD) go and check out my other book Who Knew! Anyways, I hoped you liked it!  Have a nice day! :D

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