Chapter 8: Nightmares

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Jaoxn and I set the table in the very small dining room. Setting down three white plates on each sitting place with forks and butter knives right next to it. We pull up 2 more chairs for me and Jaxon because living alone all you need is one of everything. We head back into the kitchen to see Jorge cooking us dinner.

"Thank you Jorge for letting us stay. It really means alot to me." I smile genuinely.

"Anything for you, you're family! Plus you have been through enough. You can stay as long as you want or need too, okay?" I nod in response.

He continues to cook, the frying pan filled with steam flowing upwards. The smell of eggs and bacon fill the whole entire house. What can go wrong with breakfast for dinner? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

I fill a glass with milk to the brim and set it above my plate. Jaxon has a water bottle that he swiftly chugs it down halfway with no breath. I praise the wonderful smell in the living room where I sit on the faded couch I sat on this late afternoon. I let myself sink into the couch as I lay back, covering my eyes with my arms- trying to block out the light.

I sit there while questions fill my head. Why did you have to leave me dad? Especially right now? Who knows if the spider is going to turn up? And then kill me. At Least I would get to see you again. I miss you dad, I don't want to face them alone. I stray tear falls down my cheek. Before I have time to swipe it away, Jaxon rubs my cheek vanishing the tear. The couch dips into my left indicating Jaxon is setting next to me.

The only good thing about about this situation is that I met Jaxon. Helped me with my self-control when I was breaking down. Held me tight when all I felt was alone. Me made me smile in the weirdest and the worst moments possible. Guided me through the darkness to be met with light that shines in his eyes, always finding a way out of the wall that I built up for myself.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I place my head on his chest and snuggle into the warmth. I smile up against his chest as I get lost in his smell. My eyes close as I sniff his scent one more time before I slip into slumber.


Someone shakes my shoulders as my eyes slowly flicker open. As my view comes into focus I wearily sit up on the couch I was laying on. I rub my head as a small headache forms.

The someone was of course, Jaxon," Hey dinner's ready. I knew you where hungry so I wake you up."

I blush the faintest of pink," Thank you! Can't wait to eat then fall back asleep!" I softly chuckle. I rub my eyes as I walk with Jaxon to the dining room.

The amazing smell of breakfast welcomes my senses. I lick my lips as I hop in my chair, ready to eat. It slightly creaks under my weight, but I ignore it. Jorge sets a plate of bacon with paper towels, sucking up the greases. With a bowl of scrambled eggs in his other hand, he sets it down in the middle of the table

I automatically reach in and grab a couple slices of bacon, one of the best food made. Ever. I grab a slice of toast and smoothen out jelly on it. I overfill the gigantic spoon with eggs and dump it on my plate. I grab my fork and am ready to chow it down when I notice to gazes toward me.


The both chuckled and shaked their heads, "Nothing." They smile at me.

"Hey I told you I was starving," I grumble under my breath as I take a big bite out of my toast. They look at me, more amused. I turn my head back to the love of my life and dig in.

We eat in silence for the first few minutes until Jorge breaks the silence," So, how did you two lovebirds meet?" He smirks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I blush outrageously," My friend, Gabby, basically introduced us and afterwards we went on a date that lead to uh.. Unexpected twists." I say, consciously. I glance at Jaxon, he has the slightest blush as he nods his head, agreeing with the story.

"Interesting..." He says while rubbing his invisible beard.

I swear from the first time I met Jorge he acts younger than he looks. Like he's a young adult stuck in an older dude's body. I laugh at the thought and am thrown with weird stares. I ignore them and continue to scarf down my food. I rub my tummy as I curse myself for eating too much... again.

"Well anyways I'm going to hit the sack. I am so tired it's unbelievable! Night guys!" I walk towards the hallway.

"It's the first room to the left!" Jorge yells.

I yell back a thanks as I enter my room. I run and jump into the bed as I snuggle myself with blankets while I drift off to sleep.


My dad walks up to me with a bullet hole in his forehead. He points at me furiously," You our a useless daughter! You could have saved me! But no, you ran away like a scared little girl! Pathetic! I can't believe you're my daughter, I raised you better than this!" He spat at me. His face scrunched up in disgust.

I go into complete shock, not move or say anything back to him, as I listen to the words that left my dad's mouth.

He continues," It's you're fault me and you're mother our dead, you killed us!"

I sob, he's right, I did kill him. I could have saved him, them, but no I let fear conquer be and run away with terror. I am pathetic, useless, a coward. I should be dead. I cry my heart, my soul, out- if I even have one that is.

Arms wrap around me as I continue to cry. I open my eyes and realize that it was a dream, a horrible dream.

I hastily wipe away the tears that keep pouring down my cheeks. I continue to hug the man who helped ease my pain. We hold each other for quite some time until my tears have vanished completely.

Jaxon kisses my forehead and cups my face. My whole my feels like it's going to melt into his hands.

I want to kiss her so bad, but not right now. She needs to heal first. His voice travels into my head as I comprehend what he said. He wants to kiss me and he cares, what a man.

I smile like a drunk idiot at him as he speaks, his voice soothing the pain I feel," It's going to be okay, you will get through this."

I nod my head. I will get through this. I can't let darkness consume me. I will fight it with all the power I have left in me. I nod my head once more with determination.

"Okay now go back to sleep, you really need it, okay?"

"Okay," I say while I nod. I pile all the blankets on top of me as I am left cold without Jaxon's warmth.

"Thank you Jaxon, you really helped me, more ways than one."

He smiles gratefully as he exits the room. I fall back asleep, but this time with no nightmares.


Sorry I posted late and that I didn't write much of reading the mind type thing I'll be honest with you I got held up with Jaxon and Athena! 😍 Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter! Pleas point out any mistakes I have, it helps! Also, almost 500 reads, YAS! :) Don't forget to check out my other books! ;) Have a lovely day! <3

-Joanna <3 

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