Chapter 6: Death, dream, & kiss

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The front door of the house opens all the way and slams against the wall, knocking stuff off the shelf behind the door. At this moment, I don't know what to do, forget I have powers. Luckily, my dad knew what to do. He brings up his hands and makes one of the leather couches fly across the room, towards the door. I break out of my trance, grabbing Jaxon's hand and run towards the back door.

My dad yells," Go! Run! Meet... " Meet at Jorge's house! I nod my head. "Go without me!" A tear falls down my dad's cheek. I love you, stay strong.

I mouth 'I love you too, Dad' and run off with Jaxon. Even though I don't want to, I run through the back door with Jaxon and outside of the house. A familiar sound erupts the country air, a gunshot. I yearn to go back and help my dad, but I have to do what's best for Jaxon and I. I turn back just for a second, and erase the nearest man's memory. Nothing left that he remembers, not even his family. And control the next closest man to shut and lock the door. That will have to do.

The ground up rocks crunch and scramble under our feet as we run to Jaxon's car, the adrenaline back. I race to open the passenger's door and, literally, jump inside the car. Jaxon fumbles with the keyes, shaking terribly. I swiftly secure my seat belt as the engine roars. Jaxon quickly reverses and turns onto the gravel road.

I take a risky glance through the mirror on my side. I see my dad fighting the men in black. He raises his hand in a swift motion and throws a rake, that's near by, and controls it to fly into one of the man's throat. It goes straight through his throat, gushing out blood that is going everywhere. I take my eyes off the horrible scene, cringing at what I have seen. I look back curiosity getting the best of me, and see one of the men come up from behind my dad. The man takes a gun that's stashed away in his gun holster and points it at my dad's head. BAM! My dad falls limp to the ground, laying next to the rake guy.

I suck in breath and release it just as my tears do. They fall down my face like an avalanche. My hands shake terribly, not able to control them. It feels like I was the one who was shot. My heart shot a million times and then shredded apart into little pieces. And then stomped on by the man who was cruel enough to kill my dad. I lost the only person close in my life. I am all alone, just me and no one else, 0 parents. I cry even harder at the thought.

"They shot my dad," I croak in between sobs. The scene flashes before my eyes making me sob harder.

Jaxon glances my way. Sympathy and concern flashes in his eyes, his eyes going all gloomy. "I am so sorry, Athena. I could tell he was a nice guy and a good dad." he smiles sadly as a lonely tear falls down his cheek. He grabs my hand with firmness. He squeezes it in a comforting way. I squeeze back as an answer.

We hold hands in silence as we drive on the, surprisingly, deserted highway. Only a few cars once in awhile have sped past us.

My tears slow down as I take raspy breaths. I sigh," Do you know how to get to Jorge's house?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I know how to get to Chicago, but I don't know where exactly how to get to his house."

"Good because I have no idea where we are right now." I laugh lightly, trying to lighten the mood, just if it's a tiny bit.

He smiles lightly but a little sad from the situation that just happened. "Yeah, we got about a little more than a half an hour until we get to Chicago."

"Okay thanks by the way... for driving and... I don't know just staying." I grin sheepishly.

"No problem, it's the least I could do." He smiles comfortingly.

I take a deep breath. I lean back into my chair and cross my arms over my chest. And slowly drift off to a soundless sleep.

A husky man runs towards me with his arms out wide. I hesitate for a second until I see the man's face, my dad. I lunge myself at him as I squeeze him, not wanting him to leave again. I sob into his shoulder as he rubs my back. 

"I thought you were dead!" I sob. Tears pouring down my face even more.

He steps back from the embrace to look at my face clearly as I yearn to hug him once again. He takes a hold of my hand and squeezes. "Don't trust everyone you see, only trust Jaxon he's your best bet. Stay low on radar, don't draw attention to yourself. Lastly, I love you, don't ever forget tha-" He gets cut off by a gunshot. A bullet that has been shot right through his head, right in front of my eyes. He stumbles on top of me and we fall down to the bottom of an anonymous pit. 

I scream at the top of my lungs, the most scared, hopeless and alone I have ever been as we keep falling and falling until there's no hope. I land at the bottom, the end of hope, and I cry. Cry for help, cry for the loss of my dad, and cry for myself. My dad's dead , I'm all alone. I have no one anymore, just me, myself and I. I wrap my arms around my knees. I rock back and forth as I continue to cry. 

Hands firmly shake my shoulder. I whack them away, scared they are the same hands who pulled the trigger on the gun that killed my father.

I open my eyes to see this man as I am welcome to light instead of darkness. I put my hands open, ready to strike again. I look up to see Jaxon looking at me. Without thinking, I jump into his long muscular arms as they wrap around me. I cry into his shoulder and clasp him in my embrace, so he doesn't leave me like my dad did. I don't want to be alone, now that my dad's gone. He rubs my back just as my dad did and whispers into my ear gently that makes my whole body tingle with the slight touch, "It's okay, everything's is going to be okay. It as just a dream, a horrible dream."

I pull away and look into his worried eyes, "Thank you, Jaxon. For everything," I say softly with a small smile. 

"It's nothing, just... anything for you..." He says shyly. He rubs the back of his neck in a nervous way.

I lean up closer up closer to him so we are face to face. I lean in and plant a soft kiss on his cheek and slowly back away.

He looks at me shocked but is quick to mask it. He leans back in and kisses me gently on the lips. Surprised at first but I quickly take action. I kiss him back as my heart beats faster and butterflies form quicker. We pull away at the same time, beaming at each other. 

He clears his throat and says, "Well we have 5 minutes until Chicago and then that's when we pull out the good ol' trusty GPS on our marvelous devices!" 

I laugh, "Yes indeed."


As a thank you I wrote a little extra for you guys!  Ahhh their first kiss! :D I hope you liked it! Can't wait to post this Sunday! Anyways, you should vote and comment for that kiss ;) and perhaps follow me, I mean i am not forcing you but I highly recommend it! :D I love ya guys! <3

 Have a marvelous day ;) 

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