Chapter 4: The truth

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I clear my throat and after being in a moment of thought. I open my mouth and the words flow out of me like a waterfall. I tell him about my mom and that she died from the Spider, about my dad and his powers and his home planet and how messed up it is, about the Spider and how they have been tracking us down our whole life to kills us, and most importantly, about me and my powers.

He stares at me with widened eyes, filled to the top with confusion, disbelief, and fear. He just stared at me for a couple of minutes to process what had just came out of my mouth. He blinked a few times in shock or just because he couldn't keep them open any longer. He gulped, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. He clears his throat," S-so... ahh you have powers... Why-y don't you prove it?"

"Ok think of something, anything," I narrow my eyes at him, intimidating him," And I," I say pointing at my chest," will read your mind."

"Ok.. umm I got one?" Where's your dad?

Seems like a reasonable question, where is my dad? 

"Where 's your/my dad. To be honest, I don't know where he is. This is his house," I say the last part mostly to myself. I hum to myself, thinking of a reason for him to be gone. Nothing.

"Okay, how about another one... ?" I respond with a nod," I got one." I like you... My cheeks turn a light pink as I beam at him

"You like me?" I look at him, with excitement.

"Yeah... I am convinced n-now... " His cheeks are as red as my are.

"See? Super powers! Pretty awesome, right? Just wait till you see my dad's pow-"

A door slams shut against the wall, automatically, and a huffy guy runs down the staircase, taking a few steps at a time.

"Athena Anne Allister , who is this?" pointing at Jaxon with a disgusted face," and why is he in our house?!" His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes flashed with anger and a little rage. You could say my dad can be a scary person when he wants to be and when he is you better stay the hell back. 

In my dad's home planet, the only letters that they could start their babies names with were A, G, L, J, and W. Once you picked a letter the whole name had to start with that letter. It's a weird list but it's the government's choice of name letters, so nobody really argued or they would be whipped until there was blood dripping out of the all the wounds, if they were nice that is. The planet was really strict and didn't care for anyone's opinions, only their own. I don't blame my dad for leaving the planet, I would have left to if I lived there. 

I flush with embarrassment," Dad, we have a bigger problem than him," glancing at Nathan," The Spider... They're here! They were at the movies with me and Jaxon. A-and they looked ri-ight at me." I stop and look down at my hands, disappointed and ashamed with myself.

"Athena! How could you let yourself be exposed like that?"He asks in a raspy voice. "I thought I taught you better than that." He sighs as he shakes his head," Okay, did he see or look at you?" looking at Jaxon for an answer. He paces back and forth in the living room. I can tell right now that he's annoyed and irritated, he doesn't pace often and when he does you know something bad is going to happen.

"I-I don't know. I was standing right next to her when it happened..." He didn't even have to finish his sentence, we already knew that the Spider has spotted him along with me. 

My dad grabs his head as if he's thinking, irritated. He sighs, deeper this time,"Well we can't leave you now, they would probably threaten you and then kill you," My dad says blandly. Jaxon looks up, nervous and afraid to be killed by people he doesn't even know. I mean, could you blame the guy? " So you're going to have to stick with us." He looks quite bothered at this plan. Jaxon wipes the small beads of sweat that have formed on his temple and releases a breath that I didn't even know he was holding. "But we have to hide somewhere where they won't be able to find us, and I know a perfect guy who will be willing to help us." Jaxon and I both nod, terrified but with a little relieved to know someone will help us. He stops pacing and walks around the leathered furniture and sits across from us in a leather recliner. He leans forward with his elbows on his knees, in front of the coffee table that is between us, switching glances between Jaxon and I. "Okay, so here's the plan."


Here's the next chapter! I hope you guys liked it :D And don't forget to comment and vote! Add it to your reading list to keep up with updates! ;) I am also curious do I need to write more? Let me know! I hope you have an amazing day! <3

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