Chapter 9: Donuts

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Light seems to shine through my very thin eyelids. Shining through my protested hands as I squirm under the beaming light. I groan as I cover my face with a blanket, buriring myself from the sum, and pray to go back to sleep, but this time with no light. They prayers seem to be deflected, rejected or completely ignore. How about all of the above?

Blankets fly off me as the cold, bitter, morning air swarms my nude legs. I curse as I pull my legs closer to my chest to get as much a warmth as possible.

In my closed vision, a silhouette leans into my ear and whispers mysteriously and very faintly voice tingles the edges of my ears, "Nice bed hair." My mind processes it slowly, still waking up, unfortunately.

I instantly sit up in bed with shocked eyes, wide enough you could see into my soul. My hands fling to my hair as I try and satisfy myself with putting it into a messy bun. With hairs still coming out like branches on trees, my eyes encounter with Jaxon's deep ocean blue eyes that you could just swim in forever. My face instantly melts and softens just in the sight of him.

"Morning sleeping beauty," He smirks as he playfully winks.

My cheeks flare up as I averted my eyes away from him for a second, but I seem to not be able to keep my eyes off of him.

"Hey," I barely speak out.

Man she is so kissable right now, a smile is grown into my faces as it grows wider and wider as I listen to every word.

"Stop looking at me like I'm pizza and get up," He laughs.

By this time, my cheeks are on fire and it seems like it continue to grow all throughout my face and are in need for some cooling.

She literally looks like a tomato, but she looks so adorable, I squeak at his though and scramble on my feet and run outside of the room.

Relief floods through me as I began to breath on my own again. I have embarrassed myself enough for today, I don't need to look like the idiot I already am.

My cheeks slowly drift to my regular light tanned skin as I enter the kitchen. Donuts are laid in a box from a local bakery. I snatch a creamy chocolated iced one with sprinkles decorated on it and take a bite.

I moan and closes my eyes and chew slowly, savoring each and every bite of the taste that seems to enlighten my taste buds. My mouth seems to water for more and I satisfy it with enjoying myself with another bite. The sweetness seems to overpower the dough that makes me beggin for more. I continue to eat the donut and soon I am stuffing my face, not able to control myself or my hunger anymore. Two donuts and a glass of milk settles my thirst and hunger quite nicely.

Jaxon walks in when I stuff my last bite into my mouth. I quickly chew it and swallow it down. He shakes his head playfully and chuckles to himself. Man is she adorable or what?

My cheeks turn a soft bright red. Why does he keep doing this to me?

"See you have ate breakfast," He smirks at me.

"Yeah and it was delicious," I say as I lick my lips to see if there's any sweet essence left behind.

After being done doing this, I realize how insane I look. I sheepishly laugh at myself as I tuck an escaped baby hair behind my ear.

He looks at me with amusement as he leaves me there, walking into the living room. "You might want to get ready, we have some work we have to do. We'll be training so dress appropriately," He says from the couch.

Since I didn't have time to be able to bring clothes with me, I enter Jorge's daughter's room or, in my case, the room I am staying in. Since I'm more awake and observant now that I am not tired, I look at the photos of her, some with her and her friends, a bit with her and her parents, or her dad.

Her mom passed away when I was 7, around when my mom passed away as well. So we went through the trauma together and were by our sides in comfort and in need. I'm thankful for her that she was always there when I needed her. But a few months after our mom's incidents, we just drifted apart. I never know why, I just always thought she didn't like me anymore. I mean she was 2 years older than me, that could have been why.

I look at her most closely and decide we are the same size of clothing, if not pretty close to it. I reach my hands for the dresser handles, but I seem to stopped somehow.

My gaze was now absorbed with a picture that's about 2x3 inches, like a wallet photo. I pick it up and examine the photograph with such intensity. It looks so familiar, but I can't place my foot on where.

It's a picture of a intense dark blue rocked planet from afar. You could see several smooth dark grey moons in the distant, orbiting the planet. It's beautiful. There seems to be a light neon gas floating around it's atmosphere, It looks like it protects the planet in some kind of way. The planet's surface made up of the blue rock material that looks to be very hard to break. Faded tinted asteroids are spotted throughout the photo, but never hitting the planet.

I rub the photo as if I have been there before. I place it in my pocket for now then I will transfer it when I put on clean fresh clothes.

I proceed what I had purposed in here for and opened the drawers. It was filled to the brim with clothes and so was the closet.

I mumble to myself, "This is going to take a while."


I lay a pair of black yoga pants, with a white tank top that comes together to the back. A pair of Nike socks as well as some black Nike shoes that I found in her closet. I know it's weird, but do I really want to train with a pair of Uggs on?

I shut the door and unfortunately there is no lock on it. Paranoid, I pull down the shades and twist them shut so the light in here is dim.

Once I know nobody can see me see me, I peel off my dirty clothes off of my skin. I slip on the freshly clean clothes from the bed. I put on the shoes and tie them secure so I know they aren't going slip off.

I slip the photo in the brim on my leggings so it's between my skin and the leggings. I had no other place so why not there?

Now that I am done with changing I think about what Jaxon said. Why are we training? What are we training for? Are we preparing for something? Am I that out of shape? My thought swarm me as I try to plant an answer for them.

Confused, I exit Willow's room. I turn around the corner and I come face to face with Jaxon.

She's just as beautiful wearing athletic clothes, I drool over the sound of his voice and the heart-warming comment. Any girl would fall for him, why pick me?

  I walk it off and walk with Jaxon to the basement to begin are training.  

"Ready to start?" He asks me with those lovely eyes of his.

I swear I have a problem with guys' eyes. I laugh at his question, "I was born ready." 


Hey guys I apologize profusely for such a long update. I got caught in life I had no time, hope you guys can forgive me! :D What do you guys think? Hope you guys like it ^-^ Comments and votes are highly accepted ;D We reached 1k reads what the hell?! My mind's completely blown, you guys are truly amazing! <3 Love you guys with all my heart <33 Hope you guys have an amazing day! :D

-Joanna <3

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