Ch| 10

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Always forgive me ; ride or die with me
That's just what gangsters do

     My silver, glitter galore toe nail polish sparkled as I walked through the airport in my white Fenty Puma slides. Finally reaching the luggage pick up, I approached a middle aged woman with long thick black hair and a smooth caramel complexion. Bingo.

"Hi, you must be Abigail," I said with a warm smile. "My name is Lana, your son Terrick sent me to get you."

"Oh well hello beautiful, I give hugs." Without any hesitation she pulled me into a warm embrace that I felt myself longing to stay in forever. "Now let's get on the road, I'm just about starved."

As we pulled into the stone driveway that belonged to Terrick and Sophie, I couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness wash over me. Abigail and I had spent the majority of the day together and it was nothing shy of perfect. I originally planned on killing her, but she was so warm and loving and innocent, I knew I couldn't do it. My mother was loving, warm and innocent as well. My last memory of her was from when I was about 5, and it was my favorite of all time.

I ran through the house at full speed, with my golden retriever "Lucky" hot on my trail. "You can't catch me! You can't catch me Lucks!" I squealed as we continued our race into the kitchen.

"Woah there princess, slow your roll or else there won't be any cookies to eat after dinner," my mom chuckled lightly as she balanced a tray of cookies in one hand and a large box of pizza in the other.

"Momma!" I jumped in excitement. Although I saw my mother everyday, she normally worked long nights and I often ate dinner with my neighbor Mrs. Charlene. Today Mrs. Charlene had an emergency and I had to watch myself, but I didn't mind because I was a big girl. I knew the stove was a no no, but we had lots of lunchables that I could eat for snacks and dinner.

"Hey momma's princess," she began as we made our way to the tv room and settled into the fort I had made earlier out of extra linens and couch cushions. "I told my boss you were home all alone and he let me leave early, that way we could have girl time."

Momma was a dancer at a fancy place, with a very mean boss who normally wouldn't let her off until really late, so I couldn't hold back the smile that was plastered onto my face as I snuggled into her, enjoying my extra cheesy pizza. We talked all night about my day at school, and I even got to tell her about my crush on the new kid Alejandro. We painted nails, told funny jokes, and we ate all 20 cookies ourselves.

"Momma loves you princess," I heard as I drifted off to sleep.

As the memory of that night clouded my mind, I quickly pushed it away. "Well Mrs. Abby, I had so much fun with you, if you ever need anything else.....please don't hesitate to call me." I pulled her in for that same warm embrace that she welcomed me with earlier that morning, and basked in the comfort of what I presumed love to be.

Sliding into my car, I let the lone tear slip down my face as the memory of my mother hit my mental again. That night was the best and worst day of my life. I went to sleep in her warm loving arms, but woke up in cold lifeless limbs. I cried the whole way to the foster home that day, not because she left, but because she didn't take me with her.

I miss you momma


     I woke up to Jaceion sitting at the foot of my bed. Groaning, I closed my eyes, hoping that he would get the hint and leave. No such luck. Grabbing me by my ankle, he yanked me completely off of my bed and onto my ass.

"Bet your ass is up now huh?" He spoke calmly as he played on his phone. "So why you been dubbing my calls La?"

"I don't see how I could be dubbing them if I'm still making the drops and carrying the orders you give me," I grumbled as I picked myself off of my hardwood floor.

"Don't be the fuck smart, it ain't cute." He growled, quickly inching over to me.

"How bout," looking at him in annoyance I met him halfway across the floor and mushed him in his head. "I'll stop dubbing your calls when stop stuffing your dick in my bestfriend you bitch ass trick ass nigga!" I screamed as I begin delivering blows anywhere I could get them in.

"Man calm the fuck down with that hype shit. You over here with everyone's head between your legs and you talking bout me?" Gently but firmly, he pushed me out of his reach.

"Shut the fuck up Jaceion. I chilled for you, I did. I stopped fucking Ivory, I ain't never touch Troy again, and I didn't even touch Kelly that night the three of us were together, or any night after!" Feeling myself getting heated, I searched for my blunt. This nigga didn't even give me time to brush my teeth before starting with his fuck shit. It was bad enough that Kelly had been missing since the night we all messed around, now I had to deal with his bullshit, I just knew I was about to be on a drought.

"I know you ain't been fucking her," he shrugged nonchalantly as he leaned in close to my face. "Because I dragged that bitch out of here myself and put 3 bullets in her brain while you were sleep, for touching what was mine."

"No.....Jace this isn't funny." Dropping my unlit blunt to the ground I felt myself losing control as I looked into his dark cold eyes.

"I told you not to give my shit up didn't I?" Gripping my face in his hands, he pushed my head back against the wall. "Didn't I?!" He yelled.

"Get the fuck out of my house! Now, get the fuck out!" I pushed him a couple of times as the tears stained my face. I watched as he wiped his bleeding lip, from where my fist caught him earlier, with a vicious smile on his face. Shaking his head, he walked out and I crawled back in my bed, begging my memories to let me see her face once more.

Come back to me

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