Ch| 11

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Does he touch you here like this
Let me take the friction from your lips

   Things had been calm for the past two weeks and my boss wasn't for it. "I sent you out there for one thing and one thing only Terrick," I listened as he grilled me. "Their product is still flowing and that nigga Jace and his whole crew seem to be tighter than ever. Fuck you been doing nigga?"

Fucking Dom

"Chill, look I got you. Shit ain't as sweet as you think it is out here. It's only a matter of time until shit hits the fan with they're whole little Brady bunch." Lifting the welcome mat, I located the spare key to Dom's apartment and swiftly unlocked the door. "And in regards to the product, I need more time. Jace has this bitch Lala on his team and she stays on top of that shit."

"Handle it and get your ass back to Miami. Oh and leave Dom in New York, she's dead weight." He snapped before ending the call.

Running my hand through my fade, I made my way to the kitchen where loud reggae music could be heard. Leaning against the tiled wall, I watched as Dom, Tee and La expertly shook their asses to the beat, and as much as I can't stand that bitch La, I couldn't deny that shawty had a nigga mesmerized.

"Ughh, who invited his number 2 pencil head ass to the function," Lana rolled her eyes as she stood up, placing her hands on her hip.

"Hey Ricky," Dom blushed, trying hard to fight her smile. "And I invited him trick! It is my house, damn." She laughed as she smoothly played off the fact that I showed up announced.

"Well shit, does that mean Troy and Jace big head asses on their way too?" Tee asked, making her way over to the bottle of Hennessy that was on the kitchen counter, amongst other bottles.

"Yea, they should be here soon, they just stopped to pick up some food." I said as I quickly sent out a text in our iMessage group.

"Good, cause I'm the fuck hungry, and this bitch got a malnourished ass fridge," Lana said causing us all to bust out in fits of laughter.


   We had been at Dom's place for a couple of hours when we decided we would all just crash here. Troy and Jace had gotten here about an hour ago with pizza, wings and fries, and Dom seemed to have an endless amount of dark liquor in her pantry. While everyone else was busy watching Friday, in the living room, I found myself walking outside to get some air.

"Wanna hit ?" looking over to my right, I watched as Lana sat on the balcony railing, smoking a blunt.

Making my way over to her, I stood between her legs as she exhaled, blowing all of her smoke into my face."Why you out here?" I asked as I took the plant from her and inhaled deeply.

"I'm kind of over the whole family bullshit. It's a lot of shit going down that I'm not with, I'm just here for Tee honestly, that's really my bitch." She swiped her hand across her thigh as if she assumed a mosquito was present.

Nodding my head, I took in her appearance for what seemed like the first time. She had her hair in two naturally curly low buns, her face was makeup free, bedsides her eyebrows being filled in and her having lashes on. She was wearing one of those t-shirt dresses, and it clung to her body, the white standing out in contrast to her deep chocolate skin. Her arms were littered in dark ink that told a sad story, and tied around her waist was a distressed light washed jean shirt. 

"What's that tattoo about?" I asked, pointing to the broken crown that was inked into her skin.

"I was my momma's princess, until she died," she answered in a dazed look as she killed the rest of the blunt, saving the roach.

"That why you didn't kill my mother?" I asked.

Nodding her head yes, she closed her eyes and whispered, "I didn't want to take anyone's crown". I knew she didn't mean for me to hear it, but I did, and I suddenly understood why she was the way she was.

My mother once told me when I was younger that there are two things you can do when someone takes your light. You can become a light on your own, that way you will never be in darkness, or you can learn to see in the darkness, that way you'll never need the light. It was clear in that moment, that Lana chose to see in darkness, because she was terribly afraid of having her light snatched away from her again. Slipping my hand into hers, I pulled her off of the rail and turned to face the house.

"Let's head back inside," she nodded her head at my words as we made our way back to the rest of the group. Releasing each other's hand, we walked into Dom's living room and immediately halted.

"Don't fucking move!"

There were two masked men in the room. One holding a gun to Jace's head and the other just holding the gun up, ready to shoot anyone who even flinched incorrectly. I pretended to look thrown off, but I knew they were coming, we worked under the same man.

"Walk over slowly and get down on your fucking knees," the one with the unspecified target yelled.

Looking at each other, then back at the man, Lana and I slowly made our way in his direction, only stopping once we were in front of him and on our knees.

"I should make you suck me off with that pretty little mouth while you're down there bitch," he said before pistol whipping Lana in her face.

From my peripheral I could see Jace flexing his jaw as blood spilled from her nose. Before any of us could think, Lana begin sobbing. She bent her whole body over so that her head touched the ground and she cried in a way that made me want to reach out and hug her. The guy that pistol whipped her quickly crouched down and whispered something in her ear. We all watched intently until she suddenly lifted her head up and slit his throat with a blade that was tucked between her fingers. It all happened so quickly. As he reached for his neck, he dropped his gun, and Lana quickly gripped it shooting the other guy in the knee. That was all it took for Jace to break free and let 3 rounds off in his head causing everyone in the room to visibly relax.

"Pull of his fucking mask," she growled as she wiped her bleeding nose with the back of her hand.

I studied her face in shock as I realized it was all an act. She was never crying, and she was never scared. It was clear that I overestimated everyone but her. She's the baby of the group, but she was also the coldest one.

Boss just might want her for himself

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