Chapter 3

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"So this is the-"

"Counselling Halls."

He held his breath, the door partially opened with a small sign that read 'Doors are open to discussion.' He peeked inside and spotted the dark faces of the Council hidden behind hoods. He quickly looked away.

"The right side of the castle is almost completely designed for the politics of the entire kingdom." Charlotte waved a hand to the painted portraits of the past kings. Wilson jogged forward to follow her.

He had known the castle was huge but the need for a half of it to be political based seemed like too much. His guide, with her smiling face approached the door, opening it without another care. An eye with a cat like pupil watched them. He shuddered.

"Your room for the next month and a-" Charlotte glanced in and shrieked, Wilson flinching as he looked in himself. It was filled to the brim with gold and silver curtains and sheets, all written and colored in with red and blue.

Charlotte stood beside a child, her arms behind her back and eyes watching the work she had done. She was lost in her own world as Charlotte spewed out rants.

The girl simply ignored them. Her eyes finally landing on him and a weak blush formed at her cheeks. A whack against her face sent the child back to look at Charlotte.

A clearly furious woman indeed.

"You useless child, don't you have something better to do than embarrass your father? This is your father's newest intern and the first thing you do is ruin his room." Her forehead vein pulsed as she spat insults at the girl.

The young lady simply watched the curtains, lost in her own thoughts.

Regan. The princess was standing right before him. Wilson's head bowed quickly to the child, despite her not paying attention to him.

Wilson budded in, "Your royal highness, I don't mind."

He did mind.

He turned to Charlotte. "You don't even know if she did this or not." he smiled at Regan. "How old are you?"

The girl snapped out of her trace and looked back at him. Her black locks of curly hair moving over her shoulders. She beamed at him, her lips red like a rose's petals.

"My father said I'm desperately seventeen." she cooed. A chuckle fell from Wilson's mouth and the girl turned away giggling at him.

"Being desperate is the one thing you're good at doing." Charlotte added on, whacking the child in the head and pushing her to the door. "Get outta here before I get your father down here."

Princess Regan gave one last look at them before vanishing to who knows where. Her long, silky, velvet dress vanished like a ghost's tail.

Once gone, Charlotte moved to along the ruined objects.

 "Abuse isn't all that necessary. It's alright you know." Wilson shrugged.

Charlotte moved some ruined sheets out of the way and shook her head with a huff.

"Regan has always been the pain in this castle." she fumbled with the sheets. "I'll have these replaced immediately. If you are able, make yourself comfortable."

 She stood up to exit, Wilson going through his own things.

To speak to the princess in such a manner was alarming and Wilson found himself making the mental note to avoid the older woman's wrath.

She gasped abruptly, Wilson turning to face her. "If you can, the staff and I have organized this large dinner for the night." She handed him a piece of paper labeled a time and place. "I'd be honored to have you there."

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