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Night had fallen on the kingdom, Charlotte standing along the cliffs. Even in the dark she could make out the sight of smoke and moving bodies beside the ravine.

She sighed, disappointed the actions that had lead to the fall of the kingdom.

Of course, it wasn't her actions. No, she had plotted every step, every movement, every act that it took for her to collect the perfect resources. It was the princess that had ruined it all.

"So, what do we do about Wilson?" Charlotte asked. She hated the man with every fiber of her being. He had lived from the fall. She had watched him, the bell tower exploding in a blast of heat and fire. She remembered it dearly. The faint sight of the man falling. Quickly, Cinnabar swooped down to catch him, talon locked around his carefully.

If only the familiar had squeezed the life out of him.

"Charlotte?" Charlotte blinked out of the memory, turning back to the Watch. Their dragons squaked and curled up to sleep for the night. They bowed in their places. She took a deep breath. Many of the soldiers had been captured- though she cared very little about them- but luckily she still had a few to use under her bidding.

"We have found recent news; Alastair is alive and near well," The first of the three said.

"She is being held under heavy watch and her familiar isn't responding to our demands," The second continued.

Charlotte cursed, "Familiars are always too loyal."

The Mistress wouldn't have allowed it any other way. The memories of the Queen's determinedness and her perseverance for the kingdom's safety. She was always willing to do the best for her kingdom.

And the same traits filled her daughter.

Yet, she refused to follow anything her mother did.

Charlotte grimaced, "That brat failed us. She wouldn't be able to rule any kingdom, let alone one."

Alastair was all quick wits and one liners. She was never suited for the throne.

Afterall, she was never raised around her mother. No, Charlotte was forced to watch after the girl. SHe was always focused on the birds and the things her mother did. Praying to be able to play with the other children. That is, until her mother grew sick.

Alastair had been long awaiting the day Deskeen would fall.

Their refusal to help the sickly woman.

Allura had fallen to the hands of Deskeen.

It was like having freedom torn from her hands in a second.

But now, it wasn't about leading two kingdoms. It wasn't about getting the medicine to treat the Mistress nor was it about saving the kingdom. No, now it was about letting the kingdom fall. And Charlotte was determined to make it fall hard and fast. And she would do it with or without the brat named Alastair.

She wanted that kingdom. She needed that kingdom to fall.

"How much longer until that brat is executed?" Asked Charlotte, rubbing her fingers against the wooden bird Alastair carved for her. It served as a reminder to the life she had lived.

"As far as we know, she won't be receiving one," The second responded.

"What?" CHarlotte turned to them.

They ducked their head lower, "We have received recent news that she'll be undergoing Redemption under Wilson's watch."

"Redemption?" Charlotte mumbled, "He's mocking us. To turn our princess to one of their own. To set an example."

He was playing another trick. Like they had, putting him in the arena set an example to the rebels.

"It won't matter. She'll fall back to us with time." Charlotte waved a hand. "They'll never accept her; it is only a matter of time."

The Watch members shared a look. The first Watch member spoke up, "We have no bell and certainly no time to lose. Those that loyally followed us have no faith in us anymore."

The world grew silent as the four strangers thought up their own plot.

"Alastair was their faith. We get her back then we are set for another attack."

"We strike when their guard is down," CHarlotte sighed, "If that brat knew anything about us, she would come crawling back to mother."

It would all play out according to plan. CHarlotte watched over her small piece of the kingdom. The last bit of her home.

It was only a matter of time.

There was work to be done.


 Thanks for reading and sticking around to see it completed!

- RektenWriter 

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