Chapter 1

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Wilson remember the day well.

It pushed back Argo's move to the city by a week; as he demanded that he be there when Wilson woke. He would have called it a miracle to have woken up with the halfling by his side.

But a week didn't last long as Wilson was sick and injured in bed and Argo had to leave by plane at dawn. He couldn't even see him leave or wave goodbye.

It was almost weird for him to wake up and head to school and not see the kid who stood out like a sore thumb, with his orange eyes and pointed ears.

It was even stranger when Argo didn't show up when winter hit. No letters arrived. Not a single one had been received. Only the last week of stories to tell for the future.

Wilson blinked away the memories and squeezed by two strangers, his bag bumping into them. Both of them, older woman, gasped offended by his rudeness.

"Sorry-excuse me" He muttered.

Ten years later and he here he was, running to catch a plane to the city. He had his plans thought out. The second he'd arrive, he'd head to the castle and see the wonders it had to offer. He'd never seen it up close.

It was the sound of the plane engine that pushed Wilson through his groggy, yet panicked run.

Old engines, wheels, and plane parts littered the ground along the airport. A few people stared up, fascination in their eyes watched the airship.

He came to a halt and watched with them as the airship took to the sky. Propellers and sail keeping it upright and slowly, almost like a hot air balloon soar into the air.

A few people aboard it seemed to wave out to relatives.

He walked over, swiftly avoiding the long boards of wood that were to be transported, to a man dressed in a pilot's outfit. The blue tie around his neck.

"Excuse me sir." Wilson said, the man humming as he turned away from the balloon. He clicked a stop watch in his hand.

"Was that the ship that was take off toward the Capital?" His crossed his fingers behind his back for luck.

The older man nodded. "Of, course. One of my personal favorites to board, rare for Capital ships to even come down here."

Wilson cringed, "Are there any more ships that are coming down from the Capital!" His voice died down.

The captain rubbed his neck. "Well, not that I know of. You can check with our schedule but-"

Wilson didn't listen to him finish as he was already hurried off.

For some reason he'd arrived at the little board a bit quicker than usual. His heart was pounding. Panic usually did that to him.

Running his finger across the board, Wilson read off the board aloud.

"Capital, 5:00 am. Next arrival, Not applicable!"

He jumped as the captain stepped beside him. "Sorry, must not be getting anything for the city's next ship." The captain from earlier sighed, he slipped into the building.

Wilson let out a disappointed sigh.

Wilson didn't bother chasing after him. He'd done what he could.

Wilson turned to the airship behind him and watched it, a rather large dot in the distance.

His 4 hour flight to the Capital was long gone.

Maybe they would send a new ship if he said he had missed this one.

Maybe this wasn't the ship at all. He glanced back at the board. Maybe the one he was going to be on was a little late and he hadn't missed his one way chance to get to the city.

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