Chapter 5

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Despite the welcoming committee that Charlotte had made toward him, Wilson found himself hiding away. He avoided his room like the plague, which he feared Princess Regan to find and destroy or bother him again.

The library was quiet on the evening of the Moon Ceremony.

Wilson carefully resting his chin on the political books that refreshed his memory. His eyes reviewing the papers on the Moon Ceremony again and again.

He jolted awake as someone opened the door. Wilson staring with half shut eyelids in Charlotte's direction.

"Ah, Mister Glants I'm glad I found you." She smoothed out her tradition castle attire and stood up taller. "I was going to lead you to the festival."

Wilson sat up. The festival. Rubbing his eyes he stood up. "Oh, good. I was wondering when it would start."

He had decided on a black vest and white undershirt, Wilson smoothing back his hair and smirked. Professional enough to make a good impression.

Charlotte lead him through the castle and down the various elevators. The sun setting on the horizon, through the glass elevator and beyond the castle walls. Wilson watched the afterglow of the light on the horizon. He gave a yawn.

"Not enough sleep, I'm guessing." Charlotte caught him with a sneer as they stepped into the streets. The smell of the street gutters and cinnamon drinks. "Was Reagan bothering you again? The brat."

Wilson shook his head. "No, I was... too excited for the party to sleep."

Wilson didn't mean to lie to his employer. They would just call him mad if he had said anything about the watching. He could barely got a wink of sleep from the feeling. He simply brushed off the feeling that all new comers had. The eyes watching from everywhere.

The lanterns and the symbol that appeared just about everywhere at that time of night. Children swept in front of them. Some of them carrying fake weapons and sparks that shined like the moon. Paint covered their faces in figures and shapes. They cried out a battle cry in another language.

Wilson watched them go. "I've never been to a city wide party."

Charlotte laughed at his response. "I see. Well, the party doesn't really begin until late in the evening."

Charlotte jumped as a band of misfits, dressed in black and gold, leapt over the buildings.

"Get down from there! Think of what the visitors are thinking!" She cried out, surprising even a few passerbys.

And with that she left Wilson in the crowd.

He slipped through the crowds. The lanterns sparkled at entrance of every door. A magic bearer lit one with just the tip of his finger. Jesters shot sparks of fireworks in the air and sang songs Wilson couldn't understand. The aura of magic burst from every corner and street. Everything was happening so quickly.

The eyes watched.

Free samples of drinks were being passed around, Wilson noticing the eyes of various strangers watching him from a table. He declined the offer as it was passed his direction.

With glowing eyes, Wilson allowed a violinist to pass by. He stepped back.


Wilson jumped as he barely recognized the halfling's painted face. The skull like mask was painted around his face and his sharp teeth nearly made Wilson regret the decision to show up.

"Ha, see told ya I'd find you!" Argo laughed as he stepped from the darkness. He no longer wore the cloak, instead dressed in darkness and golden chains.

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