Emily and John ❤

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Here's your imagine and gif of John Emily!! I hope you enjoy it!! ❤

Emily huffed and ran a hand through her hair.

The line to meet John was extremely long. It was especially long to her though, since she was the very last person in line. Of course there were more people, but she had just made the cut off.

Emily felt a little sorry for the people behind her that wouldn't get to meet John, but she thanked the heavens silently that she had made the cut. She knew that the five hour wait was going to be absolutely worth it once she finally got to see him in person.

Emily inched forward with the line, her copy of The Empyrean in hand. As Emily stood there, rocking back and forth on her heels, she thought about what to say to John.

Many things had come to mind. Initially she thought about just asking him how his day was, or something else simple.

"Maybe he doesn't hear that often." Emily thought to herself. But she physically shook her head at that thought. She didn't stand in line this long to waste John's time with a simple, "How are you?" Emily knew she had to speak from the heart.

The line inched forward again.

Now Emily was tapping her foot impatiently. Everytime a fan passed her, grinning from ear to ear, her heart raced. He was really here. Emily was really in the same building as John Frusciante and was soon going to speak to him.

Once again the line inched forward.

Emily gripped her copy of The Empyrean tighter. Her palms getting slightly sweaty as she neared John. She couldn't quite see him yet, but the table was in view.

If she listened closely, Emily could hear his voice. It was deep, and soothing, but it still carried across the room.

This made Emily increasingly nervous. "What if I forget what to say?" "What if he doesn't believe a word out of my mouth?" Her mind was running a mile a minute and there was no real way to stop it.

The line was getting shorter, only a dozen or few more people ahead of her.

Emily could lean over and see John now. His brown, flowing hair, and full beard glimmering in the lights. He was like a dream and it took Emily's breath away.

Her foot kept tapping on the floor. Wishing the people ahead of her would hurry up, but also praying they took their time. Emily waited years for this moment, but now that it was here she was a nervous wreck.

The line was much shorter now, only three people to go.

Should she leave while she can? How could such a sweet man be so intimidating?

Emily's palms are sweating heavily now. She was sure that the album in her hand was drenched in her sweat, but there was nothing she could do. There's no turning back. She was there now.

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