Emily and John.. Again ❤

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((Author's Note))
Okay so this is written in an alternate universe. I had this plot in mind for a whole John fanfic, but since I love Emily and she wrote me that incredible imagine earlier, I decided to make her the leading lady for this sneak peek. Let me know if this should be a full fanfic!

October 9, 1996

"There's that guy again." Emily said, turning to her co-worker and employee Marley.

"Want me to tell him to leave?" She asked.

"No, no. That's okay. He seems harmless." Emily replied, looking back towards the window.

There was a man that came to Emily's compound everyday to look at the kittens through the window. His favorite one was the black kitten. Emily assumed it was because that was the only black one there and it seemed so timid.

Emily finished pouring kibble in the senior dogs bowls and made her way towards the door. She pushed the door open slightly, the bell catching the man's attention.

"Hi." Emily greeted stepping out.

"Hello." His raspy voice responded.

"They're cute aren't they?" She asked smiling.

"Oh, uhm yeah." He said shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

It didn't look like he had much on him. Emily wondered how long it had been since he had a hot meal and a shower. There was no doubt in her mind the man before her was homeless.

"Do you want me to leave?" He broke their silence.

"Not unless you want to," Emily started, "you can come in and pet the kittens if you want." She offered stepping closer. "Hell, I'll even let you name some of the kittens while you're in here." She chuckled.

"I-I can't. I stink." The mystery man said. His head dropped and his mangled hair fell into his face.

"Nonsense. This whole place stinks. It's an animal compound." Emily smiled. Sure he stinked, but she didn't care. "What's your name?" Emily asked.

"John." He replied simply.

"Well John, I'm Emily. It's good to meet you." She stuck out her hand.

John took it silently and shook it. Emily smiled and nodded her head towards the door. "Come on in."

Emily opened the door and John followed her in. He looked around, taking in his surroundings.

Animals were everywhere. Any pet you could think of was in this compound and they were all lively and happy.

"Welcome to Precious Hands Animal Clinic and Compound." Emily smiled proudly.

"This place is amazing." John complimented.

"Why thank you! Got it all started myself." Emily walked over to Marley. "John, come here and meet Marley. She's my close friend, co-worker and employee." Emily loved putting emphasis on the last word. Just because it irritated Marley.

Just as Emily was expecting, Marley rolled her eyes at her and turned to John. "Good to meet you, John." She said. John nodded in response.

"Take a seat." Emily pointed to a row of chairs near a counter. John walked over to it slowly. He sat down and stared at his hands.

Emily walked to the lunch room in the back. She grabbed one of the sandwiches and a bottle of water. When she made it back to the front John had wondered towards the kitten play-pin. 

He had picked up the black kitten and was holding it gingerly. Emily smiled at the sight and approached him slowly. She was afraid of startling John, he looked so frail and fragile. One scare seemed like he would crumble into dust.

"They're cute aren't they?" Emily asked, catching John's attention.

For the first time Emily saw what resembled a small smile on John's face.

"Yeah especially this one," he started, "I love black cats."

"Well I'll let you name him after you have this." Emily held out the food for John. She was silently praying he didn't take offense to her actions.

John just seemed so kind. Emily didn't know his story. What could possibly warrant this man to live on the streets? It didn't really matter, she could tell John wasn't dangerous. If he could come by everyday to keep the kittens company, then she could him company.

John placed the kitten down gingerly and grabbed the food. "Thank you." He said and walked back to his seat.

Emily sat with him and watched him eat. It didn't take long for the sandwich to disappear, or the water.

"There's more where that came from." Emily chuckled softly. She wanted the mood to be light while he was there. Emily wanted the clinic to be a judgement free and safe place for him. For anyone for that matter.

"No," John protested, "that's enough for now, thank you for being so kind, but I have to go." John then pushed himself off his seat and walked as quickly as he could.

"John wait!" Emily called out. She had gotten up after him, but it was too late.

John had jetted out the door and that was the last of him Emily saw for a while.


John hadn't been to the clinic to see the kittens in three weeks. Some of them were getting adopted, but Emily was personally holding onto John's favorite kitten for when he came back.

It was the end of the work day as Emily locked up the clinic.

"Emily?" A familiar voice asked behind her.

She turned and John was standing there in the flesh.

"John! I'm so happy to see you!" Emily pulled him into a hug. It wasn't too tight, or for too long, but the feeling of his arm draped lightly around her gave Emily relief.

"You are?" He questioned.

"Yes! I didn't see you around and got a little worried." Emily replied.

"I-I need help Emily. I hate to ask, but y-you're the only option I-I have." John could barely get his words out.

It was his teeth. Emily could see and hear it. He looked paler and thinner than before. Which she really didn't think was possible.

"Of course John! I'll help you in anyway I can." Emily took one of John's hand. It was swollen and looked to have had sores on it, traveling up his long sleeved shirt. Once Emily realized he winced at her touch she let go.

"I'm sorry." Emily quickly apologized.

John just ignored her apology. "Can you give me a place to stay?" He asked. Worry and fatigue filled his hazel eyes. Even with his cowering posture, Emily had to look up at him.

In what seemed like the darkest of times for him, John's eyes were beautiful.

"Of course I can. My car is parked around back." Emily finished locking up and led John to her car.

((Author's note))

Okay so I know this has a lot of lose ends. Sorry about that, it's just not finished yet. Kind of weird as an imagine but I just wanted to test the waters with it.

cliffspancakes I hope you liked being my main character for a split second there ily ❤ 😂

Word count: 1,065

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