Emily and John Vol. 6 ❤

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((Authors note))  Before we start I want to say that I love you Bean, this is kind of cheesy but i hope you like it anyway. I'm really happy to be back. 💕
Also its set in 1987

The sound of a car horn brought Emily to her feet. "Mom, I'm leaving, love you!" She called out and was bounding down the porch steps before her mother had a chance of responding.

Jane, Emily's friend, met her outside of her truck, deliberately standing in the way of Emily's view of the truck.

"Jane," Emily started, "I love you, but if you don't get me away from this house and into that new Jeep behind you we'll fight."

Jane laughed before she responded, "Sorry! I thought you liked surprises!"

"How can you surprise me if I already know you've got the car?" Emily laughed and pushed passed Jane.

She was met with the beaming smile, and shirtless torso of John. He was her classmate, close friend, and her first love, though he only knew they were friends.

"Hey Emmy!" John waved as he held onto the Jeep. Jane had a convertible so John was standing straight out of the top.

"Johnny!" Emily yelled and ran towards the Jeep. She threw her bag over the top and hopped into the car.

"Feet off the seats Frusciante!" Jane called out to him. John sat down, but promptly turned to Emily in the backseat.

"Happy to see me?" He asked with a smile still stretched across his face.

"Are you kidding? I can't believe it! I thought you were gone." Emily leaned forward and John wrapped her in a hug.

"I don't have my first performance with the band until a week from now." John let Emily go, but stayed as close as his seat would let him. "I'd love it if you came to see us, you know you'll keep me from being nervous."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Johnny." Emily smiled amd earned one from John. He planted two kisses on each of her cheeks amd turned back into his seat.

"Alright Romeo and Juliet, its time to fuckin' party." Jane backed out of the driveway.

Emily sat in the backseat, unable to believe that John had just kissed her. She could still feel his lips on her cheeks, and Emily was sure that her face was bright red all over.

Emily had no idea how long she had been daydreaming for, but she snapped out of it as soon as Jane turned up the radio. They had gotten on the highway and it was tradition for them to  play loud music on the longest stretch of their roadtrips.

John had undone his seatbelt and hopped into the backseat with Emily. "Come on, its Def Leppard!" He screamed to her. John pulled himself out the top of the Jeep and sat on the back edge. His arms flew into the air as he sung along to the radio.

Emily looked to Jane for confirmation. Jane looked at Emily through the rearview mirror, smiled and turned the radio up even louder. Immediately, Emily took her seatbelt off and joined join outside the Jeep.

He grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers. Together Emily and John yelled, "Pour some sugar on me!" Emily's hair tie was gone in the wind. Her hair was flying behind her and for a moment Emily felt like a queen. It was just her, John, and Def Leppard.

Jane turned the radio down and yelled up, "We're almost there!" 

Emily plopped back into the Jeep and so did John. They were out of breath but somehow still laughing. John threw himself into Emily's lap and smiled.

"We have to do that on the way back." He said.

"Hell yeah." Emily put simply which caused everyone in the car to laugh.

Jane pulled into the beach. She parked close to the bathroom so Emily could make a quick change. Emily did just that and met Jane on the shore with a towel.

"Catching some sun Em?" Jane asked.

Emily nodded, "If I get any paler you'll be able to see right through me. Where's John?"

"In the water." Emily covered her eyes from the sun and looked into the distance. John was out there with the rest of their classmates. This beach trip was a celebration set up by all the seniors. They had finally graduated and were all about to take seperate life paths, this was the final hooray.

After a few minutes of basking in the sun, John came sliding his way through the sand. "Emmy, come join me, the water is fantastic."

"John I'm trying to tan and keep as many people from seeing me in a bikini as possible." Emily protested. Jane giggled next to her and turned onto her stomach.

"Emmy, you're gonna swim with me, and you look so good in that swimsuit don't even sweat it." John said grabbing Emily's hand and pulling her up.

Emily drug her feet. "This is such a bad idea John."

"Can you swim?" He asked.

"Well of course but that's not wh-" Emily was in John's arms before she could finish speaking.

"Put me down Frusciante!" Emily screeched. She couldn't help but smile because of how close John was.

John's feet began to hit the water and Emily held him closer. "John, please!"

Instead of responding, John dropped Emily into the water. She was in shock from the freezing water. Her head went under so when she broke the surface again her hair was a wet curtain covering her face. John held his stomach in laughter.

"You've never looked better Bean." He smiled. Emily kept the best straight face that she could and splashed John with water. Emily tried to take off running, but she was slowed by the water.

"Come here!" John yelled running after her. Emily just laughed and kept trying to put distance between them.

John, of course, caught her. John turned her to face him and brought them both to the ground. He wasn't rough with her; he loved her too much.

John was hovering over Emily. They both were staring at each other. John leaned down and kissed Emily on the nose. She felt her face flush, a wave came sliding under her.

John kissed her again, this time on the forehead and a small laugh came from Emily. "Have you grown the habit of kissing me?" She asked jokingly.

"Do you mind?" John answered her question with his own.

Emily shook her head and John pecked her lips. "I love you." He stated.

"I love you more Johnny."

Word count: 1,070

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