Emily and John Vol. 4 ❤

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Emily gulped down a bit of her water as she waited for John to come back to their booth.

They had arrived at the dimly lit restaurant just a few minutes ago. John had excused himself to the bathroom and all Emily could do was just wait.

John was so amazing. The conversations between the two came so easily. It was like they were best friends, rekindling an old friendship.

John had even said so himself. "I swear it's like I've known you forever." He said on their commute to the place Emily is sitting in now.

Emily agreed, "Maybe we knew each other in a past life."

"Maybe it's a sign." John offered.

Emily's only response to that was a blush. She seemed to be doing a lot of that tonight.

It was just so different finally getting to speak with a man you've admired from afar for so long.

John made his way back to his side of the booth he and Emily shared.

"Has the waiter come back yet?" He asked with a smile.

"Oh, uh, no." Emily stuttered a bit, but she redeemed herself, "But that's a good thing, I haven't decided what I want yet."

Her words sent a vibration of John's chuckle through the air.

Emily felt herself becoming a little faint. She was swooning over John; which really wasn't anything new.

"Have you been here before?" John asks leaning in slightly.

Emily almost forgot to respond. Simply because John's eyes are so captivating.

"I haven't," she started, "have you?"

"Yeah," John paused for a second, "I come to this place a lot. It's just- the vibes in the air, you know? It's almost a very zen place to be. Everyone is super nice." He finished explaining.

"You don't get mobbed by fans here?" Emily hated asking the question.

She didn't want John to think that all of her focus was on the fact that he was a well known musician. Emily obviously loves John's work, but it boils down to much more than that.

John answers her question, getting Emily away from her thoughts again. "No...I guess many people don't know about this place." John gave her another breathtaking smile.

This man is going to be the death of me. Emily thought to herself.

There was a moment of silence. It wasn't quiet awkward, but the sound of the other customers forks clinking against their plates was annoying. Emily was glad John spoke up when he did.

"I'm really glad you came Emily." He said, fiddling with the straw in his cup.

"Why wouldn't I?" She giggled a bit. It seemed silly to her, that he would assume she would reject him.

"It's just, I felt an immediate connection with you. That- that doesn't happen often.." John's words trail off, but Emily knows exactly what he means.

"Thank you for inviting me. It's been a while since I've gone out with anyone." Emily admitted.

"The pleasures all mine, really." John grins and Emily's face turns another shade of red.

Once their food arrives, the new acquaintances eat. There were small laughs and stories shared.

Anyone who didn't know any better would assume they were in love.

Maybe they are.

John and Emily finished their meal,but still sat in each other company. The awkward silences were completely gone and they  each felt as if they could tell each other anything. Even if they had only known each other for twelve hours.

"So, you mentioned earlier you haven't been out in a while." John says taking a sip of his drink that had been refilled many times, since their arrival.

"Uh yeah, I just don't have much luck when it comes to making friends, or dating." Emily tried to reply vaguely.

Of course John wanted her to elaborate, "What do you mean?" He asks.

Emily sighs before answering, "I just made a few bad choices, but at the time I was naive." Emily paused to gather the right words.

"Well, not completely naive. I guess I just saw the good in everyone, even when they treated me terribly." She sighed again.

John grabbed her hand again, it still sending chills all over Emily's body. It was just like that initial contact all over again. Emily knew right away, that no matter how many times her body made contact with John's, those chills will never go away.

"Emily, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but I understand. But no one deserves to be treated that way." He grips her hand a little more and rubs his thumb on top of hers.

"I mean unless you're some type of killer." John jokes and once again the two share a laugh.

"No, no," Emily shakes her head, "I've made a real friend or two along the way. They keep me sane for the most part." She lets out a giggle.

"What keeps you sane for the other part?" He asks cheekily.

"You." Emily lets out simply, but is immediately embarrassed by her words.

"What I mean is y-your music a-and art." She corrected herself.

John smiled from ear to ear and looked directly into Emily's eyes.

"No, I think your first answer was right."

And again, for the millionth time that night, John had left Emily speechless. He just smiled at her and called for their check.

"You ready to go?" He asked, gathering his wallet and jacket.

"Oh, sure." Emily grabbed her things as well. She looked at the bill slightly wide-eyed. It was a tad bit out of her price range.

"Don't worry, I've got it covered." John said reaching into his wallet.

"No!" Emily countered, "I ate half of this at least let me pay for half."

"I asked you out. Let me pay." John insisted.

He made a good point and Emily couldn't debate it. I'll find a way to repay him. She thought.

Once John payed, he stood and offered his hand to Emily, "I'll call us a cab."

Emily stood slowly and accepted John's hand. She didn't know if he felt it, but there was electricity surging throughout her entire body.

"I don't want this night to end." Emily thought she said lowly to herself, but John had heard her.

"It doesn't have to." John looks down at her smiling.

Emily says nothing, she just looks at him with her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"We can go to my house. I have records we can listen to, and if you like cats I have those too." He says laughing a small bit.

"I-I love cats." Emily said, and that's all John needed.

The cab rolled infront of them and John let Emily in first. During their ride, even though John and Emily were having a conversation, all Emily could focus on was her thumping heart.

Emily just couldn't believe she had gotten so lucky.

What she didn't know was that, John felt like the lucky one.

((Author's note))
Lol hey, I know a lot of people wanted a sequel to the very first Emily and John imagine, so here it is! I tried to get a good ending there, but it still somewhat a loose end.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it Emmy. Sorry to blind side you with the Froosh, but ily ❤

Word count: 1,166

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