Silvia and Hillel ❤

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"Hillel!" Silvia shouted from their door. "Are you ready to go yet?" She stood there patiently, clutching beach towels in one hand and their house keys in the other.

Hillel made his way down the stairs and into the arms of Silvia. He planted kisses all over her face getting a laugh in response.

"Ready?" Silvia asked again.

"Yes." Hillel smiled and stepped out of the house after her. He locked the door and took Silvia's hand leading her towards the beach.

"Oh just a heads up, I have an interview to do while we're there." Hillel informed Silvia.

"Sounds like fun." She said sarcastically, but smiled afterwards. Silvia didn't mind the interview, just as long as they got to spend the rest of the day together.

Miami Beach was beautiful and Hillel standing in the sand with his hair blowing in the wind made it breath taking.

"Go ahead Slim, I'll wait for you here." Silvia told Hillel. She stood behind the camera man and interviewer, but directly in Hillel's eye sight. He blew a kiss before the interview began.

"You probably want to know a little about me," Hillel started with his arms raised, "my name is Hillel and I'm the guitar player for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I'm in beautiful Miami Beach, with the love of my life just behind the camera there." Hillel stopped speaking and pointed towards Silvia.

She blushed and waved to the camera as it turned to her. She let out a quiet "Hi." And the camera turned back.

Hillel started to speak again.

"And there's a cool wind that brings a shrivel to my nipple." He said, earning a laugh from all of the people there.

The interview went on, and Silvia watched in admiration. She could listen to Hillel talk all day about anything. He was surprisingly philosophical for someone so young.

His friendship with the rest of the band is admirable too. Hillel was the glue that kept the Red Hot Chili Peppers together. Anthony and Flea constantly remind him that they wouldn't know what to do without him. Silvia didn't know what she would do either.

Silvia was brought out of her thoughts when she saw Hillel pull down his shorts, revealing a pink speedo.

"It's a prototype for my underwear. It says booty on the back and has devil eyes on the front." Silvia smiled as Hillel winked at her.

Was that why he was taking so long at the house? She couldn't help but to laugh again. 'This guy.' she thought to herself, shaking her head.

"What is it, love?" Hillel asked walking over to Silvia, wrapping his long arms around her waist.

"Just thinking about how handsome you are." She responded.

"I could tell you were all hot over here, eyeing me." He smirked.

"How could I control myself, with that pink speedo."

Hillel let out a beautiful laugh.

"Well lets cool you off love." He said and in a swift move Hillel scooped Silvia into his arms.

"Hillel wait!" Silvia shouted while laughing. "I didn't tie my hair up!" She protested.

Hillel just kept laughing and running, with her in his arms, towards the water.

He stopped when the water was at his knees. "Ready to go in?" Hillel look at Silvia and smiled, mischievously.

"Don't you dare drop me Slim." Silvia warned. Hillel let her go anyway, sending her into the freezing water. His laughter filling the air around them.

"You little," Silvia didn't finish her sentence. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the water with her.

Silvia was the one laughing then, watching Hillel shiver slightly. He splashed her to retaliate and she splashed back.

Was it possible to wrestle in water? That's what Hillel and Silvia were doing, with small breaks to share a kiss and confess their love for each other over and over.

Hillel was the happiest he had ever been.

It was honestly the best time they had ever spent together. That's all the couple thought about as they cuddled on the shore. They shared a towel as Silvia played in Hillel's wet hair. The two of them sitting together looked like a scene right out of a romance move.

"I love you Hillel." She said looking off into the horizon. The sun was setting and the people were scarce.

"I love you more Silvia." He replied, tightening his grip on her waist.

"Promise?" Silvia asked.

"I promise." Hillel reassured.

There was more silence between them. The sun was almost gone and so were the people. Soon it was just the two of them there.

Yet, it always felt that way to Silvia. It was always just the two of them and there's no other way she would want it. Hillel wouldn't want it any other way either.

"Do you promise to be there?" Hillel questioned. He shifted his weight to look at Silvia.

She was caught off guard but answered promptly. "What do you mean?"

"When I go on tour, or when I have to record, and you're left alone. Do you promise to be there when I get back?" Hillel elaborated.

"Yes of course. There's no one on this planet I want to be with besides you Hillel. I would wait years for you. " Silvia said turning to face Hillel fully.

He sat up and placed a kiss on her lips. "You're the love of my life Silvia. You know that right?"

"And you're the man of my dreams Hillel. Is there something wrong?" It wasn't uncommon for Hillel to be affectionate, but he was speaking in a tone that Silvia had never heard before.

"Everything is fine. I just wanted you to know how deeply I feel about you. That's all." His words made Silvia smile.

"The feeling is mutual Slim." He smiled at his nickname and laid back down with Silvia.

Together they sat in silence again, staring at the waves crashing against the shore. At this moment everything was perfect.

This was love in its purest form.

"Do me a favor Hillel?" Silvia asked.

"Anything." He said.

"Make that speedo in ten different colors for me." The couple laughed.

"Sure thing."

((Author's note))

Hai! Here's your imagine Silvia! I really hope you love it. I know you wanted something cute and I thought a day at the beach was adorable! Hopefully you think so too if not I'll let you beat me up hahaha.

Next imagine is Madeline and John!

Word count: 1,030

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