Madeline and John ❤

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"John we did it!" Madeline cheered, jumping into John's arms. Their robes tangled together as they embraced one another.

"I wouldn't have made it without you Maddy!" John yelled to her over the large crowd of people.

"Look this way!" John's mother called to the two. They turned and smiled for the picture, holding their diploma's in hand.

John and Madeline had to have been the closest friends in the world.

Six months after their highschool graduation, John and Madeline were walking to their favorite hangout. John was carrying his notebook and acoustic guitar, while Madeline carried their snacks and drinks for their time out.

"I have some news." John said as they settled down in their self proclaimed, spot in the woods. The woods was near their childhood homes. There was an opening right above them that gave an incredible view of the sky.

No matter the weather, or whoever needed to get away, John and Madeline would come here together and enjoy the nature. Along with each other's company.

"Good news?" Madeline asks, pulling out a bag of chips.

"Yeah!" John smiled.

"Well lay it on me!" She smiled back.

"Remember when I told you my dad said it was time for me to get a job?" John paused and looked at Madeline for confirmation.

"Mhm." She nodded her head.

"Well I got one! It's this band and they asked me to join and well..I said yes!" John beamed.

"That's amazing John! What's the name of the band?" Madeline was amazed. There was no one she knew that could play guitar like John. He was destined to be a musician.

"The Red Hot Chili Peppers." John's smile still hadn't left his face.

"Get out of here!" Madeline playfully pushed John. "You live for that band!" She yelled.

"I know!" John laughed.

Their conversation died down after that. They only sound filling the air were the crickets and the friends munching on their chips.

Suddenly a thought came to Madeline. This meant that John was moving on. Her best friend was going to have a life without her. John was going to be too busy for her.

Up until this point John and Madeline were attached at the hip. In first grade, when Madeline shared her animal crackers with John at lunch, their friendship was solidified.

Losing John was Madeline's biggest fear.

"Hey, what's the matter?" John turned to Madeline concerned.

"N-nothing." She shook her head.

"You know you can't lie to me Madeline," John grabbed her hand, "what's wrong?"

Madeline sighed. "You're going to be too busy for me John." The hurt in her voice was evident.

"I shouldn't be that surprised though," She continued, "you're a great musician I knew a band would find you one day. Plus you're a grown man, I can't keep you from doing anything." Madeline shifted into a criss-cross position.

"Maddy don't be ridiculous. You know I won't abandon you. I could never dream of it." John said, trying his best to comfort her.

"Never?" Madeline asked.

"Never." John smiled. He took her silence as an opportunity to scoot closer to her. His arm draped around her shoulders and both of their eyes fixed on the stars.

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