Dreams Do Come True

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I forgot to publish the new chapter last week...
Wolfy's P.O.V.
I screamed in horror when I realized what I had done. The timing was so perfect, I didn't know who to blame. In front of me, lay the lifeless body of my best friend...Stabbed by my own knife."Th-this can't be real...Please say something. Don't give up yet..." I stuttered, tears falling on the floor. The shield projector fell from my pocket, rolling towards the basement's door. It activated and block the only exit for Bunny and Grace.
Bunny's P.O.V.
"What was that?" I asked Grace. "I don't know.Something bad must've happened. We need to get out of here.NOW." She replied. I nodded in agreement.A thought then came into my head. "Grace, that ghost is going to cause a fire." I said. "We're going to be fine as long as we get out of here. It's not like there's a gas leak right?" She joked as we ran. Suddenly, as if by magic, we heard hissing in the direction we were heading. A dark liquid was dripping out of one of the gas tanks. I stared blankly at Grace. "You just had to say that." I muttered. We ran around the dark basement, looking for the exit. "Hey look! It's over there!" Grace shouted.
Wolfy's P.O.V. (Again.Got a problem?"
I sat on the floor, completely forgetting the plan. "Rue, is this what you wanted? For me to suffer? For what? So that I'd remember my promise to keep everyone I cared about, safe? So that I'd remember that I broke the promise? Go ahead, rub it in my face...I was stupid back then...I was a child. An innocent child, affected by the death of his father." I said weakly to myself. Suddenly, my head hurt and I was remembering those memories, those unwanted, guilt-filled memories. I remembered the face of Rue's sister when she was being tortured...Forced to talk about something she didn't even know. Forced to say things about a lie my grandparents had made.A lie, that tore apart my family.I remembered the anger in my mother's eyes when my grandparents had told her about the "truth" about that accident. The accident that took my father. I remembered how much those people I call "family" hurt me...All I had left was my cousin, my grandma on my father's side, and perhaps my mother. No matter how much her parents corrupted her, I knew my mom still loved me. I just wish I got a second chance. I just wish I told her about the lies her parents tried so hard to force her into believing. Maybe then, you'd still be alive Rue, and my best friend would still be here, scolding me for trying to take her glasses. I remember your face when I told you the truth. When I told you what happened to your sister. I wish I didn't. I remember how hurt you looked. How enthusiastic you were to report to the principal. Of course they didn't believe you...You had changed when I told you about that truth. You became happier, yet still depressed and broken.But when I told you that I watched your sister die slowly, when I told you that I couldn't help her, you became distant and cold again. I tried to apologize, to tell you that my grandparents would have hurt even more people if I helped your sister escape, but you always turned away. Then I remembered, that day...I regretted everything that day, I shouldn't have left you there. I should have recognized those people. I shouldn't have let them enter the restroom. I heard you scream, I was too late... When those people left the restroom, covered in blood, I realized, I failed again. I saw you there, lifeless on the floor. The horror on your face. A note left in your hand. Poor child.You shouldn't have done that Wolfy... Such a simple letter, such great impact. I snapped out of my trace when I heard banging. "WOLFY! DEACTIVATE THIS SHIELD NOW!" Bunny was yelling hurriedly at me. I couldn't move. I was still paralyzed in shock and fear. I simply watched as what was left of my friends tried to break the shield. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I knew how to break the shield, but I just sat there. Staring blankly at those people.
3rd Person's P.O.V.
Grace was kicking the force field furiously. Bunny was panicking because the fire was getting closer to the gas leak and Wolfy was sitting on the floor, paralyzed. After a few minutes, Grace and Bunny gave up and were lying down on the cold floor. "Heh. At least we  escaped those boring seminars right?" Bunny joked. Trying to enjoy the last few minutes of life. "I imagined dying less tragically than this." Grace said. "Hey, at least you aren't alone. You're best buddy is here." Bunny added. "Yeah. At least I get to die with you by my side. It ain't so bad with you here Bunny.But I imagined you dying from laughing too much." Grace laughed. Bunny just snickered a bit."You're going to call me that nickname even when we're about to die?" He asked. "Fine. See ya in the afterlife, Nick."With those last words, the fire reached the leaking gas tank. Some civilians passing by were startled by the explosion from the school.
~~~~~~two weeks later~~~~~~~~~
Wolfy's P.O.V.
The police are still investigating what happened back at the school...I didn't bother telling them because who would believe me? I have no evidence because the camera blew up along with the basement. The ambulance people found me unconscious on the floor along with the bodies of everyone that died. Helena's bag was taken by the CSI for some researching. Good luck to them. I found out that Shawn left a few days ago to go back to UK. My mom, well, grounded me for a few months in the attic. She went dinosaur and started shouting at me for losing the camera. She didn't even bother asking me if I was alright. I guess the loving mother left in there had been corrupted too. To be honest, I can't really feel anything right now...I've just lost everything I had left. My grandma, the good one, she's been missing since I got back. Apparently, Shawn's made friends with some girl back in the UK too. I have no chance of convincing my mom that her parents are the reason dad died now. I'm too late again. I didn't bother telling the police about Panda. They're gonna find some evidence sooner or later. But they'll be too late. I walked closer towards a cabinet and opened it. "It's been some time." I said to the collection of knives my dad kept here."You know dad, I think I inherited your bad luck and chance of accidentally hurting others. But at least I didn't get your weird sense of collecting stuff. Though, these knives look pretty cool." I said. I picked up a knife hidden in the back. "It still has Rue's blood? How's that possible? It's been years." I stated while examining the knife that ended an old friend's life. "Hey Rue, you said you wanted me dead right? Well, your wish will come true in a while. With this knife, it's like I died with you or by your own hand. See ya wherever you are." I said darkly. I raised the knife and swung it. Before it made contact, everything went dark."Wake up bro.Unless you want to go to school without taking a bath, you better wake up now." A familiar voice said. "Wha? It's so early." I yawned. "We're leaving at 6:30am. It's 5:45am." Shawn said. I immediately got up and proceeded to the door. "You were sleep talking by the way. Or shall I call it, sleep-screaming. What happened?" Shawn added. I thought for a minute. "Just another nightmare." I answered. I got ready for school and we were at the door. "Wolfy! The camera! You forgot it at the bed." Shawn stated...
The End...
Aaaaand the book is done. Thanks for reading. I enjoyed making this story. I'm thinking about making a prequel to this book. What do ya guys think?

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