Chapter Two

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 Papyrus awoke with a start. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it read 5:00 P.M. They had been asleep for over 2 hours. Sighing, he looked down at his brother who was still sleeping peacefully. Chuckling a bit, he poked his brother in the ribs.

"Five more minutes." Sans mumbled, his wings curling around himself.

"Sans. It would go against my brotherly code of honor if I let you sleep for any longer. Get up you lazybones." Papyrus teased, attempting to push Sans off of him.

"Ugg... Fine." Sans grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"5 P.M! You have made me miss the better part of the day mister. No more!" Papyrus said, standing up and sending Sans tumbling to the floor.

"Oh! Sorry Sans! Are you okay?" Papyrus asked alarmed.

"Well Paps.... I guess you could say...." Sans said trailing off with a sly grin.

"Sans please don't."

"Floored me?"

"OH MY GOSH! WHY DO I PUT UP WITH YOU?" Papyrus asked, throwing his hand in the air in annoyance.

"I guess my puns are pretty pun-ishing." Sans teased, standing up.

"Urg." Papyrus groaned, helping Sans to his feet.

"What? Am I not punny enough for you. Honestly, I found them to be quiet humerus. If you want something better, I have a femur up my sleeve." Sans said once he had stood up, winking.

Papyrus chuckled despite himself. Though he would never admit it, he had missed his brothers horrible puns. Rolling his eyes, Papyrus sat back down on Sans's bed, pulling his brother down beside him.

"Ack! Papyrus what gives?" Sans asked when his brother pulled him onto the bed.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Papyrus asked seriously.

"Paps...." Sans said, trailing off. "It's not that I don't want to... it's just... I don't..."

"Want to worry me? Sans, not telling me is worrying me! Please. I need to know what's happening. I may not understand what happened.... But I can try! Please... let's start small. Tell me why those men wanted you so badly?" Papyrus asked, his expression worried.

Sans sighed. He didn't answer for a while. He just stared out across the room that he had known for so little. Finding shapes in the walls. Finally he met his brother's gaze.

"I think.... That they were trying to use a monster's soul." Sans said after a minute.

"What?!? Is that even possible?" Papyrus asked, alarmed.

"Theoretically. The scientists were trying to get their hands on a soul, except that they couldn't get one to persist after death." Sans said, shivering a bit.

"A-After a while, they got their hands on some folders containing data about some of the monsters. Apparently they had frisked a file from a hospital or something. I don't know. I guess they got ahold of a file about me.... And well, it must have been one of the files in Alphys lab from a long time ago... because they knew about my wings somehow. Among some other things.

"When my wings...came back I was scared. I only meant to leave for a little bit to get my thoughts in order, but then... the men came after me. They tried to capture me. Shot at me. I was able to get away, but only barely. That's why I was gone for so long. I had to keep running. I couldn't stay in one place for that long, or else I ran the risk of them finding me again.

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