Chapter Six

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Flowey barely contained his surprise, twitching a little. But at the last moment he was able to stay stoic, glaring up at the man in defiance. The man smirked at the flowers pitiful attempt to intimidate him, walking up to the muzzled monster and leaning over to examine him.

"Hmm...Quiet today aren't we?" The man asked, taking one of Flowey's petals in his hand and examining it.

"I recommend that that ends soon."

The man tugged harshly on the petal electing a surprised gasp from flowey. He smiled as blood and chlorophyll welled up at the edge of the petal where it had torn a little. Tears pricked at the edge of Floweys vision, but he quickly blinked them away, giving away to stoic silence once more.

"Now then. You are going to answer my questions. If you don't answer them correctly...well there are 6 petals, 6 small ones, and 2 leaves. Let's see how long that lasts."


"...Oh my goodness..." Papyrus muttered, looking back in the direction of the living room.

"Yeah..." Sans said, shrugging. "It's a bit of an earful."

"You mean to tell me that they are still out there?" Papyrus asked slowly.

Toriel nodded sadly, entering their conversation.

"Yes. And it seems they have been busy." She said.

"What do you mean?" Papyrus asked slowly, not wanting to hear the answer.

"They are most likely responsible for the numerous missing monster cases lately." Sans said from where he was leaning against the counter.

"What? What missing monsters?" Toriel asked, turning around to meet his gaze.

Sans sighed, pushing himself off of the counter and in turn meeting her gaze.

"There have been reports lately of missing monsters. Undyne had brought it to my attention, requesting that I help out the forensics team." Sans explained.

"Why was I not informed of this?" Toriel asked, glaring at the skeleton.

"Because it wasn't a source of worry until now. We had just thought for a while that it was the usual. Some kids running away from home without telling their parents. It was only about 10 monsters, all under the age of 18. But recently....2 adults went missing as well. That's when Undyne asked for my help." Sans explained, his tone shifting a little.

"Still. I should have been informed about something like this. I am still your queen." Toriel said, folding her arms.

"It was not my idea." Sans said, holding up the palms of his hands in mock surrender.

"Then whose was it?" She demanded, folding her arms.

"Who do you think? It was Asgore. But enough about this. The only thing that is important is that they have innocent monsters there, children even. Some of them may even be dead." Sans said, his tone dead serious.

Toriel sighed, straightening up.

"I will inform the royal guard." She said, moving to leave the room.

"Wait. I don't think that's the best idea." Sans said, catching her arm before she could leave the room.

"Why isn't it a good idea?" Toriel asked slowly, turning around and shaking his hand off of her arm.

"I mean to offense to Undyne, but knowing her she'd rush in there guns ablazing. We can't risk that. They could potentially get away, using the children as bait, or even worse, kill them all. I don't want to risk more people dying." Sans explained.

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